I've lately been working on KDE4 OpenBSD support, but I've hit a snag
on kdewebdev. Basically the pkg/PLIST has the following:


However, these particular files are only installed if ruby is found on
the system, which in my case it isn't installed. I really don't think
pulling in ruby for the sole purpose of these example files is a great
idea (yes I verified ruby was only needed for these files).

I'm not sure whether or not a FLAVOR is the best approach for this
method. Also, I saw the method for PLIST with regards to
MULTI_PACKAGES, but I'm not sure how to handle it for FLAVORs.

Already took a glance over OpenBSD Porting Checklist, bsd.port.mk(5),
and ports(7), but didn't really see anything that firmly answered the
question. If there's another document I should refer to let me know and
I'll check it out. Thanks ahead of time.

- Onteria

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