> > Well, the issue is that they're only part of the install if ruby is
> > detected as installed on the host system. I suppose the better solution
> > would be just to patch the HAVE_RUBY check out, since they are not
> > actually generated by ruby, but you can't really do much with them if
> > ruby is not installed. I think I'll report this upstream. Requiring the
> > entirety of ruby for two simple scripts seems a bit much imho.
> You can just install them manually in a post-install target. Make sure
> any #! paths are patched with MODRUBY_RUBY_ADJ and I agree with Joachim,
> it doesn't make much sense to depend on Ruby for these, so you probably

I sent a patch upstream asking them to remove the dep on ruby for two
simple scripts. I'll see what they say.

> > I'm not sure who would be the best person to reach out to.
> ports@ is probably the best place.

All right. I need to sort everything I have together, then I'll send out
an email regarding that. Right now I've gotten everything under x11/kde4
to compile, but I need to check on lib deps and other Makefile issues,
which is the harder part for me.

- Onteria

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