On Sat, Nov 27, 2010 at 06:49:40AM -0800, Max Stalnaker wrote:
> Hello,
> at a recent snapshot, about 11/22/10
> i386
> I find pkg_add -u problematic for  updating single files.
> suppose the current directory is in /usr/ports/packages/i386/all
> so here we find many packages
> pkg_add -u works as documented in man pkg_add
> one might think pkg_add -u * would work the exact same way, but mostly it 
> reports that files are not found
> this becomes a issue if I 
> pkg_add -u mplayer*

Regardless of the pwd, it will use PKG_PATH. So if '.' is not in
PKG_PATH, you're telling pkg_add to update mplayer-20101024p0.tgz, which
is not a packagename, from the repository set in PKG_PATH.
remember, pkg_add takes package stems/names as arguments, not packages
In your usecase, i think 'PKG_PATH=. pkg_add -u mplayer' should work just fine.

> I end up thinking that through this approach I can only update all packages 
> installed, not one package only.  This seems to me to be an undesirable 
> situation.
> So, perhaps time to go back to cvs, as I am often advised for other reasons.  

This makes no sense at all.


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