I would need some assitance for style changes here..


On Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 02:44:18AM +0100, Mikolaj Kucharski wrote:
> Hi,
> Port needs some style changes. I've skipped python part, I will look
> into it at some stage, maybe during next port upgrade.
> Builds fine, regress passes. Didn't had a chance to test it in my
> environment yet, but my plan is to use pactester(1) (part of pacparser)
> for regressions at work.
> Also, I'm aware I could use more MAKE_FLAGS instead of overriding build,
> install and regress targets, but for now I would like to keep the port
> that way.
> Comment:
> library to parse proxy auto-config (PAC) files
> Description:
> pacparser makes it easy to add proxy auto-config file parsing capability
> to any program. It comes as a shared C library which can be used to make
> any C program PAC scripts intelligent. This package comes also with
> small binary called pactester(1) which may help one test a PAC file
> against given url.
> WWW: https://code.google.com/p/pacparser/

best regards

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