
I just checked my logs and it was hanging as well, apologies for the initial
Makefile.inc looks good but I wouldn't link 2.7 to the tree yet (the
Makefile bit).
A few comments:

* add the fix for CVE-2011-1521. This should be applied to the other
versions; I've mailed some people about it as I cannot provide diffs atm.
* use --with-system-expat and remove the extra chunk in patch-setup_py
* start with library 0.0
* I'd prefer if test_sys.py and test_signal.py are updated to use
@unittest.skipIf rather than commenting out the test or doing it inside the
test. I'd like us to submit some of the diffs upstream and following their
style would make things easier.
*  some other tests in test_signal.py need 'openbsd4' added (I wouldn't
worry with startswith('openbsd') and maybe even 'openbsd3') .
* in patch-setup_py:

++        if platform.startswith('openbsd4'):

you probably want "in 'openbsd4'" or starswith('openbsd'). I prefer to
enumerate rather than using startswith, ymmv.

Some of the failing/hanging tests (in test_io.py, test_signal.py and
test_socket.py) are very likely due to pthreads and must be investigated.
The others should be relatively trivial to fix.
In any case probably committing it would make things easier so if you fix
some of the things I mentioned above I'm OK. We can fix the remaining things
in the tree.


On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 7:28 AM, Remi Pointel <remi.poin...@xiri.fr> wrote:

> Le mar 12/04/11 08:20, "Remi Pointel" remi.poin...@xiri.fr a écrit:
> > > Le lun 11/04/11 19:11, "Stuart Henderson" stu@space
> > hopper.org a écrit:
> > > On 2011-04-11, Landry Breuil <landry@
> > rhaalovely.net> wrote:
> > > > Can't it be done in two times, import
> > lang/python/2.7 first, fix
> > > regressions etc, and change MODPY_VERSION later
> > ?
> > > I'll do the bulk when needed.
> >
> > > Yes, I totally agree with that approach.
> >
> > I agree.
> >
> This time... :
> Attached are the diff for Makefile, Makefile.inc and python.port.mk.
> Tarball is the port of 2.7.
> > Modifications :
> > - don't force MODPY_VERSION to 2.7, will change it after all tests
> > - add missing ')' ...
> > - don't modify default value of AUTOCONF_VERSION and force it in Makefile
> > of Python 2.7 (as we do for 2.4, we forced AUTOCONF_VERSION to 2.59)
> > - modify patch-Makefile_pre_in to s/install/cp a file during build, if
> not
> > it failed (need root rights to use install)...
> >
> > Thanks a lot for your tests and reports,
> >
> > Remi.

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