On 6 октября 2011 г. 09:53:49 LEVAI Daniel wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 06, 2011 at 00:22:38 +0400, Vadim Zhukov wrote:
> > Hello all.
> > 
> > Here is a Clementine with it's small direct dependency liblastfm.
> > Tested for a few weeks on i386. Unlike amaroK 1.4, Clementine
> > depends on Qt4 and GStreamer, but not on any version of KDE.
> Great work, good to see this coming together :)
> Tested on i386.
> A few notes:
> I already had a config directory (~/.config/Clementine) for clementine
> from a previous, older version. I had to delete it, because clementine
> segfaulted with the old music db.

Looks like it's not the first time Clementine fails on database update: 

What version did you have before update? Could you provide a backtrace?

> When I was fiddling with my older clementine port one showstopper was
> the modal windows' and other focus related behaviours under scrotwm.
> Unfortunately, this bug is still there: you can open a dialog or other
> window (eg. About, Preferences etc...) in clementine only once, when
> trying to open them second time, it won't show. You must restart
> clementine to be able to open them again. [1] [2] [3] (2 and 3 are very
> sloppy and vague reports, and I am sorry for that).

Did the same behaviour happen with any other application under scrotwm? 
Never used it.

> Also, there is [4] a bug report for Latin2 vs. Unicode filename
> handling in clementine's issue tracker, reported by me. This happened
> under OpenBSD also.

Yes, the problem persists. I translit all music/video files to avoid such 
problems in general, so didn't noticed myself initially. Thanks for 
pointing this out, I'll try to fix this (eventually...) while upstream 
looks like forgot about this issue. :)

> [1] - http://code.google.com/p/clementine-player/issues/detail?id=1015
> [2]:
> https://opensource.conformal.com/flyspray/index.php?do=details&task_id=
> 40
> [3]:
> https://opensource.conformal.com/flyspray/index.php?do=details&task_id=
> 41
> [4] - http://code.google.com/p/clementine-player/issues/detail?id=1022

  Vadim Zhukov

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