I was just trying to comple KDE4, and ....
My feeling is that CUPS simply has no place on an OpenBSD system.
I simply don't have room on my sub for a clunky, obese user interface
that runs on its own unpatched, unchrooted fork of Apache 1 series
as root, just to print something.  This is a false dependency; don't make
me use it if I don't want it.
OpenBSD's core lpd(8) works just fine as long as we can get the right
filters to handle a ppd file.  KDE can print to OpenBSD's lpd(8).
And if we really need PostgreSQL -- I'm not exactly sure how that got
pulled in -- then let's use it for *everything* that needs a database on
the whole system rather than all these "lightweight" miscellaneous
databases that tend to float around the system for web browsers and
so on.
Moving on, after compiling this stuff all night, I'm missing fam>=0.0,
so back at it again ....
Any thoughts/opinions?

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