On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 11:54 PM, Mattieu Baptiste <mattieu.b <at>
gmail.com> wrote:
>I got a few remarks, and the port should now install without any
>issue. I also corrected the CSS patch which got trashed.
>So, here are the new port.
>Are there interests ?


Installed and working.
Things i would do is remove cvsweb3/patches/patch-css_cvsweb_css.orig,
and maybe shorten the long readme by compacting some commands,
and leaving out unnecessary comments, since the beginning of README
and file paths should make things obvious enough to anyone installing.
Atleast for me, with the patch below for the first part of readme which is not
optional, allows it to fit in one page on less(1) with relatively small laptop
screen, making it easier to follow.

to save anyone else from searching, the port files are here:

--- README      Fri Jun  8 11:53:37 2012
+++ /usr/ports/mystuff/devel/cvsweb3/pkg/README Sun Sep  2 17:47:27 2012
@@ -10,83 +10,50 @@
 necessary to copy all of the relevant tools, libraries, and perl modules
 that cvsweb employs into /var/www.

-First, create the basic directory structure:
+# mkdir -p /var/www/{etc,tmp,usr,var,var/run}
+# chown www:www /var/www/tmp   (needs to be writeable for the www user)
+# mkdir -p /var/www/usr/{bin,lib,libdata/perl5,libexec,local,X11R6/lib}
+# mkdir -p /var/www/usr/libdata/perl5/{CGI,File,IPC,Time,warnings,\
+       `machine`-openbsd/5.12.2/auto}
+# mkdir -p /var/www/usr/local/{bin,lib,share/enscript,\
+       libdata/perl5/site_perl/`machine`-openbsd/auto}

-$ cd /var/www
-# mkdir etc tmp usr var
-# chown www:www tmp    (needs to be writeable for the www user)
-$ cd /var/www/usr
-# mkdir -p {bin,lib,libdata/perl5,libexec,local,X11R6/lib}
-$ cd /var/www/usr/libdata/perl5
-# mkdir -p {CGI,File,IPC,Time,warnings,`machine`-openbsd/5.12.2/auto}
-$ cd /var/www/usr/local
-# mkdir -p {bin,lib,libdata/perl5/site_perl,share/enscript}
-$ cd /var/www/usr/local/libdata/perl5/site_perl
-# mkdir -p `machine`-openbsd/auto
-$ cd /var/www/var
-# mkdir -p run
-The "annotate" function requires this empty file:
 NOTE: You can create an actual null device instead, but that will
 not work if the filesystem is mounted with the nodev option, and
 it is not required for cvsweb.

-$ cd /var/www/dev
-# touch null
+# touch /var/www/dev/null      (for "annotate" function)

-Now, the required binaries:
+NOTE: Wildcards will, of course, copy any old, unused libraries
+that are lurking around (for example, from an upgrade),
+you should use ldd(1) instead.

-$ cd /var/www/usr/bin
-# cp -p /usr/bin/{co,cvs,diff,perl,rcsdiff,rlog,uname} .
+# cp -p /usr/lib/lib{c,crypto,gssapi,krb5,m,perl,util,z}.so* \
+       /var/www/usr/lib
+# cp -p /usr/libexec/ld.so /var/www/usr/libexec
+# cp -p /usr/bin/{co,cvs,diff,perl,rcsdiff,rlog,uname} /var/www/usr/bin

-Next, the libraries that the binaries are linked to:
-NOTE: Wildcards will, of course, copy any old, unused libraries that are
-lurking around (for example, from an upgrade):
-$ cd /var/www/usr/lib
-# cp -p /usr/lib/lib{c,crypto,gssapi,krb5,m,perl,util,z}.so* .
-Now, the run-time link-editor:
-$ cd /var/www/usr/libexec
-# cp -p /usr/libexec/ld.so .
-And finally, the perl modules:
 $ cd /var/www/usr/libdata/perl5
-# cp -pR /usr/libdata/perl5/{File,CGI,IPC,Time,warnings,Term,Carp,Exporter} .
-# cp -pR /usr/libdata/perl5/{Tie,overload} .
-# cp -p /usr/libdata/perl5/{CGI,Carp,Exporter,warnings}.pm .
-# cp -p /usr/libdata/perl5/{base,integer,Symbol,constant,vars,strict}.pm .
-# cp -p /usr/libdata/perl5/{filetest,XSLoader,AutoLoader,SelectSaver}.pm .
-# cp -p /usr/libdata/perl5/{bytes,overload,UNIVERSAL,utf8}.pm .
+# cp -pR /usr/libdata/perl5/{File,CGI,IPC,Time,warnings,Term,Carp,\
+       Exporter,Tie,overload} .
+# cp -p /usr/libdata/perl5/{CGI,Carp,Exporter,warnings,base,integer,\
+       Symbol,constant,vars,strict,filetest,XSLoader,AutoLoader,\
+       SelectSaveri,bytes,overload,UNIVERSAL,utf8}.pm .
 # cp -p /usr/libdata/perl5/{perl5db,bytes_heavy,utf8_heavy}.pl .

 $ cd /var/www/usr/libdata/perl5/`machine`-openbsd/5.12.2
-# cp -pR /usr/libdata/perl5/`machine`-openbsd/5.12.2/{Compress,File,IO,List} .
-# cp -pR /usr/libdata/perl5/`machine`-openbsd/5.12.2/Scalar .
-# cp -p /usr/libdata/perl5/`machine`-openbsd/5.12.2/{Config,Cwd,re}.pm .
-# cp -p /usr/libdata/perl5/`machine`-openbsd/5.12.2/{DynaLoader,Errno}.pm .
-# cp -p /usr/libdata/perl5/`machine`-openbsd/5.12.2/{Fcntl,IO,POSIX}.pm .
-# cp -p /usr/libdata/perl5/`machine`-openbsd/5.12.2/Config_heavy.pl .
-# cp -p /usr/libdata/perl5/`machine`-openbsd/5.12.2/Config_git.pl .
+# cp -pR /usr/libdata/perl5/`machine`-openbsd/5.12.2/{Compress,File,\
+       IO,List,Scalar} .
+# cp -p /usr/libdata/perl5/`machine`-openbsd/5.12.2/{Config,Cwd,re,\
+       DynaLoader,Errno,Fcntl,IO,POSIX}.pm .
+# cp -p /usr/libdata/perl5/`machine`-openbsd/5.12.2/Config_{git,heavy}.pl .

 $ cd /var/www/usr/libdata/perl5/`machine`-openbsd/5.12.2/auto
-# cp -pR /usr/libdata/perl5/`machine`-openbsd/5.12.2/auto/{re,Fcntl,IO} .
-# cp -pR /usr/libdata/perl5/`machine`-openbsd/5.12.2/auto/{POSIX,Cwd,List} .
-# cp -pR /usr/libdata/perl5/`machine`-openbsd/5.12.2/auto/{File,DynaLoader} .
-# cp -pR /usr/libdata/perl5/`machine`-openbsd/5.12.2/auto/Compress .
+# cp -pR /usr/libdata/perl5/`machine`-openbsd/5.12.2/auto/{re,Fcntl,IO,\
+       POSIX,Cwd,List,File,DynaLoader,Compress} .

 $ cd /var/www/usr/local/libdata/perl5/site_perl
-# cp -pR /usr/local/libdata/perl5/site_perl/{IPC,URI} .
-# cp -pR /usr/local/libdata/perl5/site_perl/URI.pm .
+# cp -pR /usr/local/libdata/perl5/site_perl/{IPC,URI{,.pm}} .


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