Yes you can, and used mplayer to play videos.

On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 03:19:08PM +0200, Lars Engblom wrote:
; If it is really able to play and search youtube videos in an easy
; way, I would be happy to see it included. Minitube was my favorite
; tool for youtube, but now, even with dual-core it is unusable.
; It feels ridiculous when people with worse computers are able to
; watch movies, but not me with OpenBSD. Minitube had good performance
; earlier, I could watch youtube videos even on a Pentium4.
; On 01/15/13 14:58, Gonzalo L. R. wrote:
; >I think pretty good/fast is the same people who develop smplayer and
; >upstream response really fast any feedback.
; >
; >On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 03:13:18PM +0000, Stuart Henderson wrote:
; >; On 2013/01/14 11:43, Gonzalo L. R. wrote:
; >; > No one interested? :)
; >;
; >; How good are they at updating when youtube make changes? Does it
; >; take them a long time to fix things or are they quite quick? We
; >; currently have 6 ports that we need to patch when youtube make minor
; >; changes to their web pages, and several of them need work beyond
; >; "look at upstream git and pick up a patch" so I would be keen to
; >; only add youtube players if they are well-maintained upstream.
; >;
; >

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