What version do you have? Conf file?

On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 12:34:57AM +0200, Erling Westenvik wrote:
; When attempting to start xombrero, it outputs multiple lines of
;       (xombrero:1419): Gtk-WARNING **: gtk_widget_size_allocate():
;       attempt to allocate widget with width 32 and height -1
; before finally
;       xombrero in free(): error: chunk is already free 0x89e2ed70
;       Abort trap (core dumped)
; The line numbers in the first error stays the same. When attempting to
; start xombrero again, the process repeats itself except for the line
; numbers and the hex address being different.
; After a number of attempts xombrero finally starts up and I can use it
; for a few minutes before it crashes again. Then I have to repeat
; the above for another number of times.
; I'm following current and update frequently but xombrero has just gotten
; worse and worse over the last two or three months. Anyone experiencing
; similar behaviour?
; Regards
; Erling

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