I agree that it is best to keep it until it is not working anymore. If somebody voluntarily forks it and keeps it working it is really nice.

Smtube & get_flash_videos do not fill the gap of Minitube as they will not give a continuous sortable playlist. From that list you can delete unwanted items. You can also sort it according to upload date among other. This with a continuous playlist is a great feature when you have kids and you need to keep them distracted for a while. It is also nice if you want to listen to some music.

On 07/05/13 12:50, Stuart Henderson wrote:
On 2013/07/04 12:33, Amit Kulkarni wrote:
On Thu, Jul 4, 2013 at 12:22 PM, Marc Espie <es...@nerim.net> wrote:

On Thu, Jul 04, 2013 at 03:12:33PM +0200, David Coppa wrote:
It seems Minitube's license changed from GPLv3 to a proprietary one.

Since version 2.1 (released on Jun 28 2013), it has become a
closed-source, binary-only software only available on the Ubuntu
Software Center:

So long Minitube and thanks for all the videos :(
Well, as long as 2.1 works, let's keep it.

it won't work for long. youtube keep changing every few months.
It's not _that_ bad, youtube support in get-flash-videos only got
totally broken by YT changes something like 2 times in 2 years..
I haven't checked but I don't recall many updates to libquvi
either. It's a bit easier than minitube (which also has to handle
search) but can't be that difficult.

And hey, it shouldn't be THAT hard to track youtube-dl.

There's *nothing* that prevents us from doing that.

i am amazed at the guys who release youtube-dl almost daily.
That's not all for youtube changes. Though their screen scraper
does seem a bit more brittle than some.

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