To get this into ports a bit more work is needed:

On 2013/08/16 16:25, Andrew Klettke wrote:
> The easiest way would be to:
> 1. Copy the contents of the example directory into a directory that
> _rwhoisd owns (I like to use /var/rwhoisd, so `cp -R
> /usr/local/share/doc/rwhoisd/examples/* /var/rwhoisd/`)
> 2. Run the rwhois_indexer like so: `/usr/local/bin/rwhois_indexer -c
> /var/rwhoisd/rwhoisd.conf -i -s "txt"`

- this information needs to go in a pkg/README file.

> 3. Make applicable changes to rwhoisd.conf ('userid: _rwhoisd' and
> 'use-syslog: YES' should be the only options you need to change)

- the code should be patched so that this isn't needed, particularly
the userid setting, there should be no chance of somebody running this
as root by mistake. (@newuser/@newgroup lines also need updating to a
free uid/gid, these ones are taken).

> 4. Run the daemon (`cd /var/rwhoisd && rwhoisd`).

There should be an rc script for this.

> Then you can test it using telnet to port 4321 (just enter ''
> after connecting if you're using the sample data); it binds to all
> inet4 interfaces.

I didn't look in detail, but does it really not have v6 support?

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