Quoting Marc Espie <es...@nerim.net>:

On Tue, Sep 24, 2013 at 05:44:11PM -0500, Vijay Sankar wrote:
I don't have much to contribute to the ports side of this discussion
since I am just an occasional tester.

As a lazy user, however, I would like to say that having an OpenBSD
package even for "inappropriate" software like WordPress or
vtigercrm or others is still far superior than someone following
instructions from the WordPress or vtiger sites.

For example, with vtiger, the OpenBSD package (before it was moved
to Attic) set directory permissions etc., properly and gave concise
instructions on what to do to configure everything. vtigercrm
instructions on the other hand make everything writable by www:www
and is simply not as well organized as OpenBSD documentation. Just
that alone makes having an  OpenBSD package superior to not having

I will now shut up :)

Well, as far as vtigercrm goes, the port did exist because at
some point, Antoine did need the port.

Then he no longer needed the port, and no-one stepped up to
maintain it.

That's quite simple. Need maintainers. I'm pretty sure that
if someone were to step up and make sure it works and maintain
it, it would come back.

(or maybe just plain old sugarcrm, not sure whether vtigercrm
offers all that much on top of it).

Thank you very much, I will try to make a port of vtiger.

Vijay Sankar, M.Eng., P.Eng.
ForeTell Technologies Limited

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