
I am doing a test install on a recent snapshot to find out if/how/how well roundcubemail runs on openbsd-httpd. I have the latest (available as package) php version installed:

$ pkg_info | grep php
php-5.5.16          server-side HTML-embedded scripting language
php-curl-5.5.16     curl URL library extensions for php5
php-fpm-5.5.16      stand-alone FPM version of PHP
php-mcrypt-5.5.16   mcrypt encryption/decryption extensions for php5
php-pdo_mysql-5.5.16p0 PDO mysql database access extensions for php5
php-pspell-5.5.16   pspell library extensions for php5
php-zip-5.5.16      zip functions for php5

However when I try to install roundcubemail the package it insists on using php-5.4.32:

$ sudo pkg_add -vs roundcubemail
Update candidates: quirks-2.23 -> quirks-2.23 (ok)
quirks-2.23 signed on 2014-10-10T11:41:36Z
|No change in quirks-2.23Ambiguous: choose dependency for roundcubemail-1.0.3:
 a       0: php-5.4.32
         1: php-5.4.32-ap2

Is there a specific reason for that? I would like to stick with a single version of php if possible. I couldn't find any information saying roundcubemail is not working with php 5.5. What am i missing?

Any pointers are appreciated.


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