On Tue, Jun 02, 2015 at 03:09:31PM +0200, Pierre-Emmanuel Andr? wrote:
> New port for Data-Uniqid. This is a dependance for the
> incoming imapsync update.
> Tested on @amd64.
> Comments/ok ?

This is not neccessary, MODULES=cpan sets it automatically.

There should be a space before =

COMMENT=                Perl extension for simple genrating of unique ids
"genrating" is spelled generating.  The upstream man page is full
of typos, but we should not copy them to our port description.

The DESCR is a bit short.  I prefer the upsteam long description:
Data::Uniqid provides three simple routines for generating unique
ids.  These ids are coded with a Base62 system to make them short
and handy (e.g.  to use it as part of a URL).


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