On Tue, Jun 02, 2015 at 08:00:27PM +0200, Alexander Bluhm wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 02, 2015 at 03:09:31PM +0200, Pierre-Emmanuel Andr? wrote:
> > New port for Data-Uniqid. This is a dependance for the
> > incoming imapsync update.
> > Tested on @amd64.
> > 
> > Comments/ok ?
> CONFIGURE_STYLE=       perl
> This is not neccessary, MODULES=cpan sets it automatically.
> There should be a space before =
> COMMENT=                Perl extension for simple genrating of unique ids
> "genrating" is spelled generating.  The upstream man page is full
> of typos, but we should not copy them to our port description.
> The DESCR is a bit short.  I prefer the upsteam long description:
> Data::Uniqid provides three simple routines for generating unique
> ids.  These ids are coded with a Base62 system to make them short
> and handy (e.g.  to use it as part of a URL).
> bluhm

Thanks for your feedback. New tarball attached with the modifications
(and some changes mentionned by sthen@).

Ok ?

Attachment: p5-Data-Uniqid.tgz
Description: application/gtar-compressed

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