On 09/04/15 21:18, Landry Breuil wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 04, 2015 at 01:09:14PM -0500, attila wrote:
>> Attached is a new port, devel/p5-Type-Tiny.
>> $ cat pkg/DESCR
>> Type::Tiny is a tiny class for creating Moose-like type constraint
>> objects which are compatible with Moo, Moose and Mouse.
>> Passes tests for me on i386.
> lots of tests skipped here because of missing test-depends that we have
> in tree (or not)
> Devel::Hide
> Validation::Class
> Type::Tie
> Switcheroo
> Sub::Quote
> Return::Type
> MouseX::Types
> Moops
> Moo
> match::simple
> Kavorka
> Function::Parameters
> Role::Tiny
> Sub::Exporter::Lexical
> Class::InsideOut
> Test::Warnings
> MooseX::Types::Common
> Test::Tester
> Test::LeakTrace
> But yeah all the other non-skipped tests pass.
> Other than this i briefly tested re.pl itself and it seems to work fine
> here, although missing a test-depends on Test::Fatal.
> # Test::Fatal is not installed (any version required)
> Landry
One in the list above is a conflict

     "runtime" : {
         "conflicts" : {
            "Kavorka" : "<= 0.013",
            "Types::ReadOnly" : "<= 0.001"

If it was present the PLIST would require a conflict adding.

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