Uwe Werler wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 15, 2015 at 08:15:57PM +0100, Stefan Sperling wrote:
> > On Sun, Nov 15, 2015 at 01:32:25PM -0500, Raul Miller wrote:
> > > But treating this as "extremely dangerous" without offering a path
> > > forward means that people need to "roll their own" approaches when
> > > faced with related needs.
> > 
> > The way forward is use tor properly to access hidden services.
> > 
> > tor2web was conceived in 2008 to make it easier for whistleblowers
> > to use tor instead of nothing. Unfortunately in 2015 whistleblowers
> > have very good reasons to use something better than tor2web.
> what do You mean with "use something better"? I'm really interested in
> Your suggestion.

I think this discussion is getting outside the scope of this mailing
list. tor-t...@lists.torproject.org is probably a better place for it.

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