On Fri, Jan 15, 2016 at 07:18:51AM -0500, Brandon Mercer wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 14, 2016 at 12:25:24PM -0500, Ted Unangst wrote:
> > Brandon Mercer wrote:
> > > Inspired by the recent dhewm3 work, I decided to try quake2 again only
> > > to find that it does not work. There was some dialogue by folks earlier
> > > to get the existing port, that has been broken for the better part of
> > > two years, replaced with yquake2. Because yquake2 is different than
> > > quake2, I propose we import this new, working version and then delete
> > > the existing port. This diff was sent out by jsg@ some time ago before a
> > > fun bikeshedding session. Looking for OK's to import this: 
> > 
> > I'm not sure who to blame, but trying to run full screen in dwm results in a
> > 640x480 window *and* dwm scrunching all of its windows into that space too.
> > Everything was jammed into a tiny corner. Like a clown car of xterms.
> Ok, based on the feedback recieved, here is an updated version of jsg's
> original diff. 
> This changes:
>  - Adds audio/openal dep
>  - Includes a README
>  - Includes a small script to launch game
> Does this look ready? 

The script is missing from the diff you sent.

I wonder how the ctf (offical mod) and xatrix/rogue (mission pack)
distfiles should be handled.  They should all be creating additional
game.so files, should they be integrated in the yquake2 port later
or be additional ports such as yquake2-ctf, yquake2-xatrix etc?

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