On 2016-03-22 20:42:40, Peter Kane <pwk...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 21, 2016 at 05:52:53PM +0900, Bryan Linton wrote:
> > On 2016-03-21 21:28:17, Peter Kane <pwk...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > On Mon, Mar 21, 2016 at 06:59:18PM +1300, Peter Kane wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > Thanks for the detailed notes. I'll give it another go shortly.
> > > > 
> > > > Peter
> > > 
> > > OK, I take it all back, partly.
> > > 
> > > At first it wasn't working at all but after a few or more Xorg restarts 
> > > it began to show signs of life. I unloaded a lot of the conversion 
> > > engines that I didn't want and added "set encoding=utf-8" in a vimrc 
> > > file. However, the uim-toolbar-gtk often doesn't launch properly on 
> > > startup for me so I have to wait a while and try again (I would just get 
> > > a preferences icon). The keyboard switching also seemed erratic and 
> > > laggy. The anthy part runs as root.  
> > > 
> > > On the whole it wasn't a great user experience, but jvim isn't really any 
> > > better. Maybe I can refine the settings further to make it better. Thanks 
> > > again.
> > > 
> > 
> > To be honest, I'm not really sure what advice to offer.  For me,
> > switching between input methods is nigh instantaneous.  I also
> > don't have any anthy processes running according to pgrep or top;
> > UIM handles connections to it internally.
> > 
> > Can you post your entire .xinitrc file?  Obviously redacting any
> > information that needs to be.
> > 
> > Also, can you try the following:
> > 
> > 1) Launch uim-pref-gtk
> > 2) Under the first page that opens (Global settings), under
> > "Advanced settings", does checking/unchecking the "Enable lazy
> > input method loading for fast startup" have any effect on
> > anything?
> > 
> > On my setup, that option is checked and I don't have any problems,
> > but YMMV.
> > 
> > -- 
> > Bryan
> > 
> I chose to include the following in my .xinitrc:
> export XMODIFIERS=@im=uim
> export GTK_IM_MODULE="uim"
> uim-xim &
> exec /usr/X11R6/bin/cwm
> I have streamlined the setup by turning off some things that I had enabled, 
> such as menu-based IM switcher and things seem to be a lot smoother now. 
> However, two problems remain.
> 1. I still have to wait a while or have several goes at getting the full gtk 
> toolbar to appear. Toggling lazy startup doesn't seem to affect it. Since I 
> can start uim input without it it is just useful visual feedback on where the 
> settings are at.

Since I don't use a toolbar, I can't help directly, but I may
still have some advice.  Since you're a CWM user, I assume you're
a fan of minimalism and keyboard shortcuts.  I'd recommend just
trying to memorize what the various keys do (e.g. F6 to convert to
Hiragana, F7 to convert to Katakana, F8 to convert to half-width
katakana etc.).

For a visual indicator, once again in the "General settings" tab,
under "Visual preference" I've enabled "Show input mode nearby
cursor" and have "Show input mode" set to "With time" and the time
length set to one second.  This shows a small box for one second
(just long enough to tell what the setting is at a glance) every
time you mouse-over a window.

If this is all you need, you can probably do away with the toolbar

> 2. If I'm running in a now default UTF-8 xterm I don't see the correct kana 
> characters when I am in conversion mode. I seem to be getting unrelated 
> half-height characters instead. The final kana/kanji output is correct. Do 
> you know if I can fix this with the default fonts?
> If I switch to conversion mode in a Firefox html notepad 
> (data:text/html,<html contenteditable>) the kana fonts display during the 
> conversion input as expected.

I've always seen the exact same thing since I've been using UIM,
and I don't have a fix.  I've just lived with it since it
otherwise works correctly.  It's called the "preedit area" in the
settings menu, so you may be able to poke around/search the 'net
for a solution.

If you find one, please send a message to the list since it'd be
nice to be able to change it to a bigger font (the XIM tab in the
preferences program only allows changing the font itself, not the
size from what I've tried) but it's not a major issue for me.

> Now that the startup is running better I haven't seen any anthy-related root 
> processes hanging around in top.

That's good. :)

I'm glad you were able to at least get UIM set up as well as you
have.  Hopefully with the tweak I mentioned above, you'll find UIM
worth switching to.  While the historian in me loves to preserve
old software, and the "OpenBSD-ness" in me values a diverse range
of software, sometimes I do indeed remind myself that sometimes we
deprecate things for a reason.

It seems like UIM is becoming the more or less "standard" IME for
the most part, since it can interface with just about any language
and backend AFAIK.  It's probably worth switching to in the long
run since I don't know how well maintained any of the other IMEs
will be in the future.


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