On 2016/09/02 12:56, Christian Weisgerber wrote:
> Now that gtk1 has been removed, we need to give jasper@ a new goal
> in life.  I think a good candidate is imake.  Anything that still
> uses imake for configuration is likely old cruft that has been
> barely maintained, if at all, since the late 1990s.

> games/xonix

critical infrastructure :-)

> graphics/tgif
> graphics/xfig
> print/ghostview
> print/transfig
> misc/magicpoint
> net/ssvnc
> x11/unclutter
> x11/x2vnc
> x11/x2x
> x11/xautolock
> audio/ardour
> graphics/GraphicsMagick
> graphics/darktable
> graphics/enblend-enfuse
> graphics/hugin
> graphics/pdf2djvu
> math/octave

I wouldn't like to lose these.

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