
When I use XDM as login manager I'm not able to shutdown or reboot
from within Xfce on the first login, because the buttons are greyed
out. However, when I logout and login again I can shutdown and reboot.

When I replace XDM with SLiM it works fine. Could this be some kind of
timing related issue where messagebus is not yet fully started when XDM
is started? Any suggestions on how to fix this?

Kind regards,

Martijn Rijkeboer

$ sysctl kern.version
kern.version=OpenBSD 6.0-current (GENERIC.MP) #184: Mon Feb 20 22:44:10
MST 2017

$ cat /etc/rc.conf.local

$ cat .xsession
/usr/local/bin/startxfce4 --with-ck-launch

$ pkg_info |egrep 'console|polkit|^xfce-'
consolekit2-1.0.2p1 framework for defining and tracking users, sessions
& seats
polkit-0.113p3      framework for granting privileged operations to users
xfce-4.12p6         Xfce desktop meta-package (base installation)

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