On 02/23/17 09:59, Landry Breuil wrote:
>> When I use XDM as login manager I'm not able to shutdown or reboot
>> from within Xfce on the first login, because the buttons are greyed
>> out. However, when I logout and login again I can shutdown and reboot.
>> When I replace XDM with SLiM it works fine. Could this be some kind of
>> timing related issue where messagebus is not yet fully started when XDM
>> is started? Any suggestions on how to fix this?
> XDM doesnt know/care about messagebus. Maybe there's a timing issue, but
> that would be in dbus / consolekit / policykit startup. Try logging
> later ? Instrument your .xsession to check for polkit/ckit running
> before calling startxfce4 ? Check with ck-list-sessions when your
> session is started ?

Thank you for your suggestions. I think I found the problem. Besides
messagebus I was also starting cupsd (bad bad me for not including all
the details). When I start messagebus before cupsd, i.e.
"pkg_scripts=messagebus cupsd". it doesn't work. However, when I start
cupsd before messagebus, i.e. "pkg_scripts=cupsd messagebus", it does

The strange thing is that the problem only seem to be with cupsd, since
when I use "pkg_scripts=cupsd messagebus postgresql" it still works.
Anyway starting cupsd before messagebus fixes the problem.

Kind regards,

Martijn Rijkeboer

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