On Tue, Mar 14, 2017 at 2:42 AM, Sebastien Marie <sema...@online.fr> wrote:
> Personally, what bother me is the fact that datastack limit is the same
> for all processes, without convenient way (for my knowledge) to run some
> programs with alternate class (and bigger datastack).
> ...
> If people have others suggestions, I would be glad to hear them :)

Why not running Firefox as a different user? Then you can also assign
another login class to it.

I've been trying this as an attempt to separate privileges and got used
to it quite quickly. The biggest annoyance is during file uploads, since
it intentionally can't read my files.

This idea might be worse than your doas su approach, but if you're
inclined to it, use xauth to generate an .Xauthority file then just doas
accordingly. I actually have a crude script for automating this that I
could share, in case you or anyone are interested.

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