
On Tue, Oct 24, 2017 at 07:48:03PM +0200, Ingo Schwarze wrote:
> > tiff export still doesn't work).
> That's strange, it just works for me with the patch as you sent it,
> both for a small text-only PDF and for a large graphics-heavy PDF.

Oh, the joy of modern plugin-based software "architecture".

After some more tracing, it looks like x11/qt5/qtimageformats is
required at runtime (but not necessarily at build time) by xpdf to
export to tiff.

Updated diff (completely untested for now) appended to this mail.
Maybe the dependencies are still not optimal (e.g. make qtimageformats
both build and run dep and drop tiff instead), but this is something
which can be done later.

> > For printing (using DXPDFWIDGET_PRINTING=true), the cmake magic
> > fails to add -L${LOCALBASE}/lib when linking the xpdf executable.
> > I really need some help from a cmake expert here (CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH
> > doesn't help).
> As far as i understand, CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH only tells commands like
> find_library() to search such places when detecting libraries, but
> doesn't by itself pass any options to the linker.
> The problem is here:
>   c++ [...] -o xpdf-qt/xpdf -L/usr/local/lib/qt5/.  -L/usr/X11R6/lib \
>     -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/lib/qt5/.:/usr/X11R6/lib: \
>       -lQt5PrintSupport -lcups -lcups -lfreetype -lpthread \
>       -lQt5Widgets -lQt5Gui -lQt5Core \
>     -Wl,-rpath-link,/usr/X11R6/lib:/usr/local/lib
> The path /usr/local/lib is already mentioned, but too late, after -lcups.
> I poked around quite a bit but still have no idea why cmake screws
> up the order of the arguments so badly.
> Yet i got a bit further.  With the dirty patch below, to be applied
> on top of what you sent, i got the port to build, package, pass
> lib-depends-check, run, and display a "Print" menu item and dialogue.
> But it is not yet useful.  The only "Printer Name" that dialogue
> offers is "Print to file (PDF)", no default printer, even though:

I hope to find some cmake, cups and qt experts in Berlin and get
them drunk enough to explain things to me before I'm too drunk to
understand ;-)

Until then, I'll just ignore the "xpdf doesn't print" problem.


ps: there's a new xpdf/XpdfReader version around (4.00.01), fixing
printing problems, but AFAIK that only affects Windows builds.

Index: Makefile
RCS file: /cvs/ports/textproc/xpdf/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.89
diff -u -p -r1.89 Makefile
--- Makefile    26 Jul 2017 22:45:31 -0000      1.89
+++ Makefile    30 Oct 2017 21:08:47 -0000
@@ -2,33 +2,49 @@
 COMMENT=       PDF viewer for X11
-DISTNAME=      xpdf-3.04
+DISTNAME=      xpdf-4.00
 CATEGORIES=    textproc x11
-REVISION=      2
-MASTER_SITES=  ftp://ftp.foolabs.com/pub/xpdf/ \
-               http://mirror.ctan.org/support/xpdf/
+MASTER_SITES=  https://www.xpdfreader.com/dl/
-HOMEPAGE=      http://www.foolabs.com/xpdf/
+HOMEPAGE=      https://www.xpdfreader.com/
 # GPLv2 only or GPLv3 only or both (at our choice)
-LIB_DEPENDS+=  graphics/png x11/motif
-USE_GMAKE=     Yes
-CONFIGURE_ARGS=        --enable-multithreaded \
-               --without-Sgm-library \
-               --without-libpaper-library
-CONFIGURE_ENV=  CPPFLAGS='-I${X11BASE}/include/freetype2 -I${X11BASE}/include 
-               LDFLAGS="-L${X11BASE}/lib -L${LOCALBASE}/lib -lm -lz"
+MODULES=       devel/cmake \
+               X11/qt5
 RUN_DEPENDS=   print/ghostscript/gnu-fonts
-WANTLIB=       ICE SM X11 Xext Xpm Xt freetype Xm \
-               c m png pthread ${COMPILER_LIBCXX} z
+# Add jpeg, png, tiff as rdep and bdep so cmake always pick them up and
+# xpdf is able to export to those formats. Not strictly needed for jpeg
+# and png, because they are pulled in by qt and its dependencies, but
+# better be explicit here.
+# In addtion, qtimageformats is required at runtime to let tiff export
+# work.
+RUN_DEPENDS += graphics/jpeg \
+               graphics/png \
+               graphics/tiff \
+               x11/qt5/qtimageformats
+BUILD_DEPENDS +=graphics/jpeg \
+               graphics/png \
+               graphics/tiff
+# Don't pick up libpaper -- the build currently fails to link against
+# it.
+# XXX
+# Doesn't work, neither with -DCMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH=${LOCALBASE}/lib nor
+# with CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH=${LOCALBASE}/lib in the environment.
+WANTLIB=       Qt5Core Qt5Gui Qt5Widgets freetype c m png pthread \
+               ${COMPILER_LIBCXX} z
 NO_TEST=       Yes
@@ -37,13 +53,9 @@ post-install:
        ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/doc/sample-xpdfrc \
 # already in poppler-utils
-.for i in pdffonts pdfimages pdfinfo pdftoppm pdftops pdftotext
+.for i in pdffonts pdfimages pdfinfo pdftohtml pdftoppm pdftops pdftotext
        rm ${PREFIX}/man/man1/$i.1
        rm ${PREFIX}/bin/$i
-# forgotten in Makefile.in (there's also a pdfthtml, but it conflicts
-# with poppler-utils):
-       ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKBUILD}/xpdf/pdftopng ${PREFIX}/bin
-       ${INSTALL_MAN} ${WRKSRC}/doc/pdftopng.1 ${PREFIX}/man/man1
 .include <bsd.port.mk>
Index: distinfo
RCS file: /cvs/ports/textproc/xpdf/distinfo,v
retrieving revision 1.18
diff -u -p -r1.18 distinfo
--- distinfo    8 Jun 2014 18:56:33 -0000       1.18
+++ distinfo    30 Oct 2017 21:08:47 -0000
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-SHA256 (xpdf-3.04.tar.gz) = ETkMdHM6vLJiqspNtocQ8T///UK/4qCGGl38kSspd+U=
-SIZE (xpdf-3.04.tar.gz) = 825519
+SHA256 (xpdf-4.00.tar.gz) = /z2SxCFm41sbpq7JtfCt/7X8BaPrldxJUFtuNE5CFtY=
+SIZE (xpdf-4.00.tar.gz) = 854175
Index: patches/patch-Makefile_in
RCS file: patches/patch-Makefile_in
diff -N patches/patch-Makefile_in
--- patches/patch-Makefile_in   1 Oct 2011 19:46:35 -0000       1.2
+++ /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-$OpenBSD: patch-Makefile_in,v 1.2 2011/10/01 19:46:35 kili Exp $
---- Makefile.in.orig   Mon Aug 15 23:08:52 2011
-+++ Makefile.in        Thu Aug 18 21:10:22 2011
-@@ -102,13 +102,8 @@ install: dummy
-       $(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/doc/pdfimages.1 
-       -mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)@mandir@/man5
-       $(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/doc/xpdfrc.5 $(DESTDIR)@mandir@/man5/xpdfrc.5
--      -mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)@sysconfdir@
--      @if test ! -f $(DESTDIR)@sysconfdir@/xpdfrc; then \
--              echo "$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/doc/sample-xpdfrc 
$(DESTDIR)@sysconfdir@/xpdfrc"; \
--              $(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/doc/sample-xpdfrc 
$(DESTDIR)@sysconfdir@/xpdfrc; \
--      else \
--              echo "# not overwriting the existing 
$(DESTDIR)@sysconfdir@/xpdfrc"; \
--      fi
-+      -mkdir -p $(PREFIX)/share/examples/xpdf
-+      $(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/doc/sample-xpdfrc 
- clean:
-       -cd goo; $(MAKE) clean
Index: patches/patch-splash_Makefile_in
RCS file: patches/patch-splash_Makefile_in
diff -N patches/patch-splash_Makefile_in
--- patches/patch-splash_Makefile_in    8 Jun 2014 18:56:33 -0000       1.2
+++ /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-$OpenBSD: patch-splash_Makefile_in,v 1.2 2014/06/08 18:56:33 kili Exp $
---- splash/Makefile.in.orig    Wed May 28 20:50:50 2014
-+++ splash/Makefile.in Fri May 30 14:29:41 2014
-@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ GOOLIBDIR = ../goo
- FOFISRCDIR = $(srcdir)/../fofi
- FOFILIBDIR = ../fofi
--CXXFLAGS = @CXXFLAGS@ @DEFS@ -I.. -I$(srcdir)/.. -I$(GOOSRCDIR) 
-I$(FOFISRCDIR) -I$(srcdir) @freetype2_CFLAGS@
-I$(FOFISRCDIR) -I$(srcdir) @freetype2_CFLAGS@
- CXX = @CXX@
- AR = @AR@
Index: patches/patch-splash_SplashXPath_cc
RCS file: patches/patch-splash_SplashXPath_cc
diff -N patches/patch-splash_SplashXPath_cc
--- patches/patch-splash_SplashXPath_cc 8 Jun 2014 18:56:33 -0000       1.4
+++ /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-$OpenBSD: patch-splash_SplashXPath_cc,v 1.4 2014/06/08 18:56:33 kili Exp $
-Replace Miod's fix from 2009 by some assert's, because the bug
-*should* have been fixed in a different way and I'm too lazy to
-verify it. (needs a change to strokeAdjust(), which is private)
---- splash/SplashXPath.cc.orig Wed May 28 20:50:50 2014
-+++ splash/SplashXPath.cc      Fri May 30 15:31:49 2014
-@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
- #include <aconf.h>
-+#include <assert.h>
- #pragma implementation
- #endif
-@@ -69,7 +71,7 @@ SplashXPath::SplashXPath(SplashPath *path, SplashCoord
-   // do stroke adjustment
-   if (path->hints) {
--    strokeAdjust(pts, path->hints, path->hintsLength);
-+    strokeAdjust(pts, path->hints, path->hintsLength, path->length);
-   }
-   segs = NULL;
-@@ -176,7 +178,8 @@ SplashXPath::SplashXPath(SplashPath *path, SplashCoord
- }
- void SplashXPath::strokeAdjust(SplashXPathPoint *pts,
--                             SplashPathHint *hints, int nHints) {
-+                             SplashPathHint *hints, int nHints,
-+                             int plength) {
-   SplashXPathAdjust *adjusts, *adjust;
-   SplashPathHint *hint;
-   SplashCoord x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3;
-@@ -188,9 +191,12 @@ void SplashXPath::strokeAdjust(SplashXPathPoint *pts,
-   adjusts = (SplashXPathAdjust *)gmallocn(nHints, sizeof(SplashXPathAdjust));
-   for (i = 0; i < nHints; ++i) {
-     hint = &hints[i];
-+    assert(hint->firstPt < plength && hint->lastPt < plength);
-     x0 = pts[hint->ctrl0    ].x;    y0 = pts[hint->ctrl0    ].y;
-+    assert(hint->ctrl0 + 1 < plength);
-     x1 = pts[hint->ctrl0 + 1].x;    y1 = pts[hint->ctrl0 + 1].y;
-     x2 = pts[hint->ctrl1    ].x;    y2 = pts[hint->ctrl1    ].y;
-+    assert(hint->ctrl1 + 1 < plength);
-     x3 = pts[hint->ctrl1 + 1].x;    y3 = pts[hint->ctrl1 + 1].y;
-     if (x0 == x1 && x2 == x3) {
-       adjusts[i].vert = gTrue;
Index: patches/patch-splash_SplashXPath_h
RCS file: patches/patch-splash_SplashXPath_h
diff -N patches/patch-splash_SplashXPath_h
--- patches/patch-splash_SplashXPath_h  8 Jun 2014 18:56:33 -0000       1.1
+++ /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-$OpenBSD: patch-splash_SplashXPath_h,v 1.1 2014/06/08 18:56:33 kili Exp $
-Replace Miod's fix from 2009 by some assert's, because the bug
-*should* have been fixed in a different way and I'm too lazy to
-verify it. (needs a change to strokeAdjust(), which is private)
---- splash/SplashXPath.h.orig  Wed May 28 20:50:50 2014
-+++ splash/SplashXPath.h       Fri May 30 15:33:45 2014
-@@ -99,7 +99,8 @@ class SplashXPath { (private)
-   void transform(SplashCoord *matrix, SplashCoord xi, SplashCoord yi,
-                SplashCoord *xo, SplashCoord *yo);
-   void strokeAdjust(SplashXPathPoint *pts,
--                  SplashPathHint *hints, int nHints);
-+                  SplashPathHint *hints, int nHints,
-+                  int plength);
-   void grow(int nSegs);
-   void addCurve(SplashCoord x0, SplashCoord y0,
-               SplashCoord x1, SplashCoord y1,
Index: patches/patch-xpdf_GlobalParams_cc
RCS file: /cvs/ports/textproc/xpdf/patches/patch-xpdf_GlobalParams_cc,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -p -r1.4 patch-xpdf_GlobalParams_cc
--- patches/patch-xpdf_GlobalParams_cc  6 Apr 2015 21:05:07 -0000       1.4
+++ patches/patch-xpdf_GlobalParams_cc  30 Oct 2017 21:08:47 -0000
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
 $OpenBSD: patch-xpdf_GlobalParams_cc,v 1.4 2015/04/06 21:05:07 ajacoutot Exp $
---- xpdf/GlobalParams.cc.orig  Wed May 28 20:50:50 2014
-+++ xpdf/GlobalParams.cc       Fri May 30 14:27:13 2014
-@@ -120,14 +120,7 @@ static const char *displayFontDirs[] = {
+Index: xpdf/GlobalParams.cc
+--- xpdf/GlobalParams.cc.orig
++++ xpdf/GlobalParams.cc
+@@ -103,14 +103,7 @@ static const char *displayFontDirs[] = {
  static const char *displayFontDirs[] = {
Index: patches/patch-xpdf_Makefile_in
RCS file: patches/patch-xpdf_Makefile_in
diff -N patches/patch-xpdf_Makefile_in
--- patches/patch-xpdf_Makefile_in      8 Jun 2014 18:56:33 -0000       1.6
+++ /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-$OpenBSD: patch-xpdf_Makefile_in,v 1.6 2014/06/08 18:56:33 kili Exp $
---- xpdf/Makefile.in.orig      Wed May 28 20:50:50 2014
-+++ xpdf/Makefile.in   Fri May 30 14:28:24 2014
-@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ FOFILIBDIR = ../fofi
- SPLASHSRCDIR = $(srcdir)/../splash
- SPLASHLIBDIR = ../splash
--CXXFLAGS = @CXXFLAGS@ @DEFS@ -I.. -I$(srcdir)/.. -I$(GOOSRCDIR) 
-I$(FOFISRCDIR) -I$(SPLASHSRCDIR) -I$(srcdir) @freetype2_CFLAGS@ @Sgm_CFLAGS@ 
-I$(FOFISRCDIR) -I$(SPLASHSRCDIR) -I$(srcdir) @freetype2_CFLAGS@ @Sgm_CFLAGS@ 
-@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ SPLASHLIBS = -L$(SPLASHLIBDIR) -lsplash
-       -L$(FOFILIBDIR) -lfofi \
--      -L$(GOOLIBDIR) -lGoo
-+      -L$(GOOLIBDIR) -lGoo -pthread
- CXX = @CXX@
Index: patches/patch-xpdf_XRef_cc
RCS file: /cvs/ports/textproc/xpdf/patches/patch-xpdf_XRef_cc,v
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -u -p -r1.7 patch-xpdf_XRef_cc
--- patches/patch-xpdf_XRef_cc  8 Jun 2014 18:56:33 -0000       1.7
+++ patches/patch-xpdf_XRef_cc  30 Oct 2017 21:08:47 -0000
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
 $OpenBSD: patch-xpdf_XRef_cc,v 1.7 2014/06/08 18:56:33 kili Exp $
---- xpdf/XRef.cc.orig  Wed May 28 20:50:50 2014
-+++ xpdf/XRef.cc       Fri May 30 14:26:13 2014
-@@ -958,19 +958,19 @@ void XRef::setEncryption(int permFlagsA, GBool ownerPa
+Index: xpdf/XRef.cc
+--- xpdf/XRef.cc.orig
++++ xpdf/XRef.cc
+@@ -1003,19 +1003,19 @@ GBool XRef::getEncryption(int *permFlagsA, GBool *owne
  GBool XRef::okToPrint(GBool ignoreOwnerPW) {

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