Leaving aside the splitting, which you know my feelings about from when
I replied after you first proposed this split, this diff as a whole is
too big, it's un-reviewable.

A lot of patches are removed/changed without explanation. In particular
the huge patches to php-fpm.conf.in files are going to be *horrible* for
future updates.

Some of the other changes can be broken down too. Let's get them into
individual reviewable diffs as much as possible.

Since adding 7.1 means copying patches around, I would suggest cleaning
up the patches *before* adding 7.1 so that can be done from a cleaner
(and diffable with 7.0) basis.

To get the ball rolling here's a diff to remove the unused 5.5 chunks
from .mk/Makefile.inc files and move the suhosin extension parts to 5.6
only. (Maybe that can be refactored again later if/when suhosin7 gets
in shape).


Then I would suggest working patch-by-patch in the patches/ directory
(i.e. 5.6/patches/somepatch + 7.0/patches/somepatch, in one mail.
Discuss/adjust/commit, then move on to {5.6/7.0}/patches/anotherpatch).

(Of course none of this fixes the *real* [separate but related] problem
that users of the PHP ports run into: we have no scaffolding to provide
pecl modules for anything other than the "default" version).

Index: Makefile.inc
RCS file: /cvs/ports/lang/php/Makefile.inc,v
retrieving revision 1.96
diff -u -p -r1.96 Makefile.inc
--- Makefile.inc        24 Aug 2017 10:03:25 -0000      1.96
+++ Makefile.inc        11 Nov 2017 13:16:04 -0000
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ COMMENT-fastcgi=        stand-alone FastCGI ver
 PKGNAME-main?=         php-${V}
 PKGNAME-fastcgi?=      php-fastcgi-${V}
-DISTFILES?=            php-${V}.tar.bz2
+DISTFILES+=            php-${V}.tar.bz2
 DISTNAME?=             php-${V}
 CATEGORIES=            lang www
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ MASTER_SITES=         http://se.php.net/distrib
                        http://us.php.net/distributions/ \
                        http://no.php.net/distributions/ \
-MASTER_SITES0=         https://download.suhosin.org/
 # UPGRADERS: please read BOTH the PHP and Zend licenses
 # and make sure they are safe before an upgrade
@@ -48,11 +47,6 @@ INI_TEMPLATES?=              development production
 # don't have.
 USE_LIBTOOL?=          No
-.if ${PV} != "7.0"
-FLAVORS=               no_suhosin
 PATCHORIG=             .orig.port
 CONFIGURE_STYLE=       autoconf
@@ -355,18 +349,6 @@ RUN_DEPENDS-main=  mail/femail,-chroot
 LIB_DEPENDS-fastcgi=   ${LIB_DEPENDS-main}
-SUHOSIN_V=             0.9.38
-.if ${FLAVOR:Mno_suhosin} || ${PV} == "7.0"
-SUPDISTFILES=          suhosin-${SUHOSIN_V}.tar.gz:0
-DISTFILES+=            suhosin-${SUHOSIN_V}.tar.gz:0
-PATCH_LIST=            patch-* suhosin-*
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+=       --enable-suhosin
-       @mv ${WRKDIR}/suhosin-${SUHOSIN_V} ${WRKSRC}/ext/suhosin
@@ -384,11 +366,7 @@ pre-configure:
 MODULE_NAME-${i}=      ${i}
 DESCR-${i}=            ${.CURDIR}/../files/DESCR-${i}
 PKGNAME-${i}=          php-${i}-${V}
-.if ${V:M5.4*}
-PKGSPEC-${i}=          php-${i}->=5.4,<5.5
-.elif ${V:M5.5*}
-PKGSPEC-${i}=          php-${i}->=5.5,<5.6
-.elif ${V:M5.6*}
+.if ${V:M5.6*}
 PKGSPEC-${i}=          php-${i}->=5.6,<5.7
 .elif ${V:M7.0*}
 PKGSPEC-${i}=          php-${i}->=7.0,<7.1
Index: php.port.mk
RCS file: /cvs/ports/lang/php/php.port.mk,v
retrieving revision 1.16
diff -u -p -r1.16 php.port.mk
--- php.port.mk 25 Apr 2017 11:26:43 -0000      1.16
+++ php.port.mk 11 Nov 2017 13:16:04 -0000
@@ -3,9 +3,7 @@
 CATEGORIES+=           lang/php
 MODPHP_VERSION?=       5.6
-.if ${MODPHP_VERSION} == 5.5
-.elif ${MODPHP_VERSION} == 5.6
+.if ${MODPHP_VERSION} == 5.6
 .elif ${MODPHP_VERSION} == 7.0
Index: 5.6/Makefile
RCS file: /cvs/ports/lang/php/5.6/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.51
diff -u -p -r1.51 Makefile
--- 5.6/Makefile        24 Aug 2017 10:52:41 -0000      1.51
+++ 5.6/Makefile        11 Nov 2017 13:16:04 -0000
@@ -5,6 +5,24 @@ BROKEN-alpha=  pcre_jit_compile.c:65:2: e
 PV=            5.6
 V=             ${PV}.31
-WANTLIB-main+=         ${COMPILER_LIBCXX} ncurses readline
+MASTER_SITES0= https://download.suhosin.org/
+WANTLIB-main+= ${COMPILER_LIBCXX} ncurses readline
+FLAVORS=       no_suhosin
+SUHOSIN_V=     0.9.38
+.if ${FLAVOR:Mno_suhosin}
+SUPDISTFILES=  suhosin-${SUHOSIN_V}.tar.gz:0
+DISTFILES+=    suhosin-${SUHOSIN_V}.tar.gz:0
+PATCH_LIST=    patch-* suhosin-*
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-suhosin
+       @mv ${WRKDIR}/suhosin-${SUHOSIN_V} ${WRKSRC}/ext/suhosin
 .include <bsd.port.mk>
Index: 7.0/distinfo
RCS file: /cvs/ports/lang/php/7.0/distinfo,v
retrieving revision 1.18
diff -u -p -r1.18 distinfo
--- 7.0/distinfo        1 Sep 2017 08:25:02 -0000       1.18
+++ 7.0/distinfo        11 Nov 2017 13:16:04 -0000
@@ -1,4 +1,2 @@
 SHA256 (php-7.0.23.tar.bz2) = b+lM78fSxg7iwWSLl3vu11atnNCn5OqLuM9SHZNVoJw=
-SHA256 (suhosin-0.9.38.tar.gz) = wC12xOfOd3kQo3wYGBy2f9npDv4BB/6rPeMTG1+JvOo=
 SIZE (php-7.0.23.tar.bz2) = 14630426
-SIZE (suhosin-0.9.38.tar.gz) = 122800

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