On Fri, Jan 05, 2018 at 11:47:19AM +0100, Frederic Cambus wrote:

> Here is a new port, for the latest version of MAME (0.193).


> We have sdlmame and sdlmess in ports, but I decided to go with a new
> port for several reasons:
> - The sdlmame and sdlmess projects do not exist anymore (since several
>   years now), there is now a single code base building on several
>   operating systems
> - The latest sdlmame and sdlmess versions we have in ports are in fact
>   MAME
> - MAME and MESS merged in 2015, and although it's still possible to
>   build a separate executable for MESS, I'm not sure if it makes sense
>   from a package size and build time perspective
> So the idea is to import this new port with conflict markers, and to
> remove sdlmame and sdlmess when we are confident this new version
> works well enough.

Here is a revised tarball which fix some issues reported by bcallah@:

- Remove hardcoded -Os flags in the GENie build and correctly pass CFLAGS
- Remove redundant BUILD_DEPENDS, as it's covered by the python module

Any feedback on this new MAME port? Does the proposed plan makes sense?

Comments? OK?

Attachment: mame.tar.gz
Description: application/tar-gz

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