On 2018/05/09 23:44, Brian Callahan wrote:
> Hi ports --
> Attached is a new port, games/julius. Julius is an open-source
> re-implementation of Caesar III.

README has "such as the tmp tmp directory". And since we're still
trying to get rid of it, I'd rather not use libexecinfo than jump
hoops to link it.

> ---
> pkg/DESCR:
> julius is an open source re-implementation of Caesar III.

"open source", implying the whole thing is usable, but...

> In Caesar III, players take on the role of a Roman governor, tasked with
> building up a grand Roman city, in which they must ensure their citizens
> have their needs met, that their city is safe and profitable, while
> meeting various goals set for them and dealing with various disasters,
> angry gods and hostile enemies.
> ---
> Works well and all tests pass on amd64. You can get it on GOG.

"you can get it on GOG".

Please can we clearly mark these as payware somehow? DESCR would be
reasonable, anyway somewhere that people are likely to look at before
installing, rather than having to install, see README, and even then
it's not clear that you have to buy it until you go to the site.

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