(Please avoid top-posting.)

On Sat, Aug 25 2018, Edward Lopez-Acosta <elopezaco...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 8/25/18 4:21 PM, Stuart Henderson wrote:
>> On 2018/08/25 15:43, Edward Lopez-Acosta wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I am working on porting the larger cookiecutter project and this is one of
>>> the required modules.
>>> This port is for the binaryornot python module needed for the cookiecutter
>>> application. It checks a specified file based on heuristic data and is
>>> similar to Perl's pp_fttext, and is lightweight.
>>> All tests pass and I am able to build it for both py2 and py3 on amd64.
>>> No current ports depend on this module.
>>> Any changes needed or can it be merged please?
>>> -- 
>>> Edward Lopez-Acosta
>> You have a ${MODPY_COMMENT} on a line which shouldn't have one, and don't
>> have one on 
>> "lib/python${MODPY_VERSION}/site-packages/binaryornot/${MODPY_PYCACHE}"
>> which should be present (haven't tested but I would expect packaging to fail
>> for py2).
> PLIST fixed and new tarball attached.
> Verified both py2 and py3 `make package` works without error.

DESCR appears to be copy-pasted, the last two parapgraphs sound
superfluous to me, and the "Has tests for these file types:" list
should probably mention "text" and "binary" on their own lines.
Actually I would only keep the first paragraph, since syncing that list
when upgrading to newer versions doesn't look like a good idea in the
long run.

Aaaaand what is "@eliben" supposed to mean?  https://twitter.com/eliben
doesn't look like Eli Bendersky's twitter account.

Except for this, LGTM.

jca | PGP : 0x1524E7EE / 5135 92C1 AD36 5293 2BDF  DDCC 0DFA 74AE 1524 E7EE

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