On Sat, 8 Sep 2018 14:28:06 -0400, Daniel Jakots <danj+o...@chown.me>

> Does the test suite work for you? In my case it seems it never ends
> with "running: test_asyncio (2 min 52 sec)" until I ^c. If people
> have the same, I'll add TEST_IS_INTERACTIVE=Yes

I looked into it and didn't find any solution. It happens on cpython
HEAD as well so I added it.

> Attached, the diff for our current files and the tgz for the 3.7
> directory.

New tgz attached because the plist needed some @comment.

fwiw, tested on arm64, it packages fine and tests result looks the same


Attachment: 3.7.tgz
Description: application/compressed-tar

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