py-chai looks to have been merged, no new version for this port?
Other than the fixed typo, any other changes needed?

Thank you,

Edward Lopez-Acosta

On 11/20/18 6:07 PM, Stuart Henderson wrote:
On 2018/11/20 18:02, Edward Lopez-Acosta wrote:
Fixed and new tarball attached, and already noted that py-chai needs to be
in first.

But you're asking "can this be merged please" and the answer is no until 
py-chai is in.

Edward Lopez-Acosta

On 11/20/18 5:58 PM, Stuart Henderson wrote:
On 2018/09/16 15:49, Edward Lopez-Acosta wrote:

Arrow is a lightweight library which makes working with dates and times
simpler. This is done by including an API which supports many common
scenarios. Arrow can also easily generate time span, ranges and more while
being a drop in replacement for the standard datetime module.


This is required for the cookiecutter project I am porting.

- Tests require py-chai, which I also submitted back on Aug 31, 2018, and
all pass for both python 2 and 3.
- Package builds successfully on amd64 for both py2 and 3.
- Only missing dependency is py-chai mentioned above.

Can this be merged please?

Thank you,

Edward Lopez-Acosta

Can't be merged until py-chai is in.

"FLAVORS = python3" not "FLAVORS +=".



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