On Wed, Feb 13, 2019 at 09:41:25AM -0800, Anil Madhavapeddy wrote:
> > On 13 Feb 2019, at 09:07, Jeremie Courreges-Anglas <j...@wxcvbn.org> wrote:
> > 
> > On Sat, Jul 21 2018, Christopher Zimmermann <chr...@openbsd.org 
> > <mailto:chr...@openbsd.org>> wrote:
> >> On 2018-06-21 Christopher Zimmermann <chr...@openbsd.org> wrote:
> >>> Hi,
> >>> 
> >>> the last few days I prepared an update of ocaml to 4.06 and opam to
> >>> 2.00rc2 and along with it updates or REVISION bumps of the dependent
> >>> ports.
> >> 
> >> Here comes a reworked diff to upgrade to OCaml 4.07. (attached gzipped)
> >> Thanks for the testing and fixes you supplied so far.
> >> I believe I included all of them so far.
> >> I will need some help in moving sysutils/dune to devel/, because I
> >> imported it into the wrong category.
> >> Also building dune on sparc64 was broken. I suspect the stack size
> >> needs to be increased with ulimit -s 8192. Can someone with access to
> >> sparc64 please test this as I don't have access to any sparc64 machine?
> > 
> > So, back to this:
> > - sysutils/dune has been moved to devel/dune, updated to the latest
> >  version, which also fixes the stack exhaustion seen on amd64 by krw
> >  and me.
> > - devel/dune is still broken on sparc64 because the "custom bytecode
> >  executable" produced by dune are stripped by the install target.
> >  My first idea was just to force dune to produce standard bytecode
> >  executables.  That would be more convenient for the ports tree, but
> >  ignoring the choices made upstream.  We could also just ensure that
> >  all the ports using dune don't using strip(1).
> OCaml bytecode executables prefer -custom mode since that also
> supports loading in shared library stubs automatically. If the executable
> were built without -custom, it needs setting ld path variables and
> matching the right version of ocamlrun.
> A reasonable default is to strip native code binaries and not do so for
> any bytecode executables built by the OCaml ports (not just the ones
> built with dune).
> Anil

Here's a comparison chart of whet I've got successfully compiled/installed via 
opam 2.0.3
and what is in our ports tree. (.org file available on request)

| Port                   |   Port Version | OPAM Name   |          OPAM Version 
| OPAM depends ocaml   |
| devel/cil              |          1.5.1 | cil         |                 1.7.3 
| < 4.06.0             |
| devel/coccinelle       |          1.0.4 | coccinelle  | 1.0.2 (current 1.0.7) 
| none (?)             |
| devel/cudf             |            0.9 | cudf        |                   0.9 
| none                 |
| devel/dune             |          1.6.3 | dune        |                 1.7.1 
| >= 4.02              |
| devel/frama-c          |           1.11 | frama-c     |                  18.0 
| >= 4.02.3            |
| devel/ocaml-cmdliner   |          0.9.8 | cmdliner    |                 1.0.3 
| >= 4.03.0            |
| devel/ocaml-cppo       |          1.3.2 | cppo        |                 1.6.5 
| none                 |
| devel/ocaml-dose       |            3.3 | dose        |                 3.4.2 
| none                 |
| devel/ocaml-extlib     |          1.7.0 | extlib      |                 1.7.5 
| none                 |
| devel/ocaml-graph      |          1.8.8 | ocamlgraph  |                 1.8.8 
| none                 |
| devel/ocaml-jsonm      |          0.9.1 | jsonm       |                 1.0.1 
| >= 4.01.0            |
| devel/ocaml-menhir     |       20180905 | menhir      |              20181113 
| >= 4.02              |
| devel/ocaml-ocamlbuild |          0.9.2 | ocamlbuild  |                0.12.0 
| >= 4.03 & < 4.08.0   |
| devel/ocaml-parmap     |        1.0-rc7 | parmap      |              1.0-rc10 
| none                 |
| devel/ocaml-pcre       |          7.2.3 | pcre        |                 7.4.0 
| >= 4.04              |
| devel/ocaml-re         |          1.4.1 | re          |                 1.8.0 
| >= 4.02.3            |
| devel/ocaml-uutf       |          0.9.4 | uutf        |                 1.0.2 
| >= 4.01.0            |
| devel/omake            | | omake       |                0.10.3 
| >= 4.03.0            |
| devel/ounit            |          2.0.0 | ounit       |                 2.0.8 
| >= 3.11.0            |
| graphics/pdfsandwich   |          0.1.7 | <none>      |               <0.1.7> 
|                      |
| lang/compcert          |            3.4 | <none>      |                 <3.4> 
|                      |
| lang/obc               |          2.9.7 | <none>      |                 <3.1> 
|                      |
| lang/ocaml             |         4.03.0 |             |                4.07.1 
|                      |
| lang/ocaml-camlp4      |         4.03+1 | camlp4      |           4.07+system 
| >= 4.07 < 4.08       |
| lang/ocaml-camlp5      |           7.05 | camlp5      |     7.06.10-g84ce6cc4 
| >= 4.02 & <= 4.07.1  |
| math/coq               |         8.4p16 | coq         |                 8.9.0 
| >= 4.02.3            |
| math/ocaml-num         |            1.1 | num         |                   1.1 
| >= 4.06              |
| math/ocaml-zarith      |            1.7 | zarith      |                   1.7 
| None                 |
| net/mldonkey           |          3.1.6 | mldonkey    |                 3.1.6 
| >= 3.10.1 & < 4.06.0 |
| net/unison             | 2.48.15/2.51.2 | unison      |                2.48.3 
| < 4.03.0             |
| sysutils/findlib       |          1.6.2 | ocamlfind   |                 1.8.0 
| >= 4.00.0            |
| sysutils/opam          |          1.2.2 | opam        |                 2.0.1 
| >= 4.02.3            |
| textproc/bibtex2html   |           1.99 | bibtex2html |                  1.99 
| >= 4.03.0            |
| textproc/hevea         |           2.23 | hevea       |                  2.32 
| none                 |
| x11/lablgtk2           |         2.18.5 | lablgtk     |                2.18.7 
| >= 4.05              |

The ocaml depends column I got from the results of 'opam show
<pkg>". I am not sure how seriously to take the info since several say
they won't work with 4.07.1 and yet they do. :-).

I note that pdfsandwich, compcert and obc do not have opam packages.

I note the oddity that our ports tree has a newer version of
coccinelle than opam!

Finally, while I do have frama-c successfully building it does require
the nasty hack of creating a /bin/bash link to /bin/sh because the
latest alt-ergo(-lib) package has a configure script that starts with
"#!/bin/bash -e". I could not figure out a pin incantation that
allowed me to modify that file and build alt-ergo-lib. Sad.

.... Ken

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