On Tue, 2 Apr 2019 10:41:58 +0100
Anil Madhavapeddy <a...@recoil.org> wrote:

> I’m also working on a non-April fools joke, which is sufficient
> metadata in dune to generate reliable openbsd ports. So in a few
> months, we should be able to type in package names and have
> reasonable Makefiles output for the ports (including WANTLIB etc).
> Am doing it for Homebrew and a few other operating systems as well to
> see if we can sidestep the port maintainer burden somewhat.  Unsure
> yet if it’ll be suitable for usage in OpenBSD, but at a minimum it’ll
> generate sufficient scaffolding for a human ports maintainer to tweak
> for upstreaming.

That's an interesting idea, I also thought about, but was wondering
whether to generate the port from OPAM metadata or create a package
from opam builds. This would obviously not integrate with the ports
infrastructure. But would it even need to?


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