On Sat, Aug 03, 2019 at 06:01:05PM -0400, Brian Callahan wrote:
> Nope; can add MODPY_RUNDEP=No. Not sure what you're saying in the second
> half there though. The build could use py2 or py3 (according to them) but I
> used py2 because it worked fine. If you're suggesting we use py3 instead,
> then ok sure.
configure.py says

        ## Python3 is incompatible.

Looking further, this piss poor configure bash script can be entirely
avoided: just python directly (with 2.7 set explicitly)

        CONFIGURE_SCRIPT =      ${MODPY_BIN} ${WRKSRC}/make/configure.py

No need to create WRKBUILD manually, also a symlink is simpler and shorter:

                ln -s freebsd.defs ${WRKSRC}/make/variant/openbsd.def

Thanks for commenting every patch.  Do you plan on sending them upstream?
patch-make_include_gcc_defs a duplicate word:

        +GCC.args.L         = -L$(1) -L$(LOCALBASE)/lib -L$(LOCALBASE)/lib

patch-make_configure_py does more than the comment says:  probing for
patch and tar for example should neither hurt nor fail.  Also, did you
try simply passing the appropiate flags through CONFIGURE_ARGS instead
of patching some of the option defaults?

OK kn with CONFIGURE_SCRIPT and Python 2.x as per above;  transcodes
fine for me on amd64.  The rest of my comments are nits, optional or can
still be improved in-tree.

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