This patchset goes back to files in /etc/firefox for unveil file 
lists, and goes further and moves the pledge strings to separate 
files too.  This should be the most secure version that is still 
tweakable at runtime.

I switched away from using Firefox's NS_LOCAL_FILE_CONTRACTID/ 
NS_LOCALFILEINPUTSTREAM_CONTRACTID mechanisms to read a file, since 
they require a lot of internal setup to be done before they can be 
used (which is otherwise a good thing, because other things later in 
Firefox shouldn't have raw file access).  Instead of those, I'm 
using the normal C++ API for reading the /etc/firefox files and this 
way I have been able to move the pledge/unveil calls earlier in the 
process startup.  Unfortunately this also means that I can't 
dynamically detect the localized ~/Downloads directory, so if you 
use a different directory, you'll just need to modify the 
unveil.content and unveil.main files to change it.

I tried the $TMPDIR shenanigans with the main process mkdtemp'ing 
somewhere in $TMPDIR (or /tmp), and then exporting TMPDIR as that 
directory so that everything else within Firefox uses that 
subdirectory as its temp directory, allowing /tmp to be removed from 
the unveil lists and only that subdirectory visible.  Unfortunately 
the first thing to break was our own shm_open() which hard-codes 
/tmp and doesn't honor $TMPDIR.  So that all was ripped out and 
we're back to full access to /tmp.

If the mailing list mangles this again, it's at

Index: Makefile
RCS file: /cvs/ports/www/mozilla-firefox/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.395
diff -u -p -u -p -r1.395 Makefile
--- Makefile    22 Sep 2019 17:19:06 -0000      1.395
+++ Makefile    25 Sep 2019 16:23:36 -0000
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ MOZILLA_BRANCH =      release
 MOZILLA_PROJECT =      firefox
 MOZILLA_CODENAME =     browser
+REVISION=      0
 SO_VERSION =   84.0
@@ -93,5 +95,10 @@ post-install:
        # link default48.png to default.png to be used by default by non-icccm 
compliant wm
+       ${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${PREFIX}/share/examples/${MOZILLA_PROJECT}
+.for f in unveil.content unveil.gpu unveil.main pledge.content pledge.gpu 
+       ${INSTALL_DATA} ${FILESDIR}/${f} 
 .include <>
Index: files/all-openbsd.js
RCS file: /cvs/ports/www/mozilla-firefox/files/all-openbsd.js,v
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -u -p -u -p -r1.10 all-openbsd.js
--- files/all-openbsd.js        9 Sep 2019 18:50:35 -0000       1.10
+++ files/all-openbsd.js        25 Sep 2019 16:23:36 -0000
@@ -5,10 +5,6 @@ pref("app.normandy.enabled",false);
 pref("browser.safebrowsing.enabled", false);
 pref("browser.safebrowsing.malware.enabled", false);
 pref("spellchecker.dictionary_path", "${LOCALBASE}/share/mozilla-dicts/");
-// enable pledging the content process
-pref("security.sandbox.content.level", 1);
-pref("security.sandbox.pledge.main","stdio rpath wpath cpath inet proc exec 
prot_exec flock ps sendfd recvfd dns vminfo tty drm unix fattr getpw mcast 
-pref("security.sandbox.pledge.content","stdio rpath wpath cpath inet recvfd 
sendfd prot_exec unix drm ps");
 pref("extensions.pocket.enabled", false);
 pref("browser.newtabpage.enabled", false);
 pref("browser.startup.homepage", "about:blank");
Index: files/pledge.content
RCS file: files/pledge.content
diff -N files/pledge.content
--- /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ files/pledge.content        25 Sep 2019 16:23:36 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
Index: files/pledge.gpu
RCS file: files/pledge.gpu
diff -N files/pledge.gpu
--- /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ files/pledge.gpu    25 Sep 2019 16:23:36 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
Index: files/pledge.main
RCS file: files/pledge.main
diff -N files/pledge.main
--- /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ files/pledge.main   25 Sep 2019 16:23:36 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
Index: files/unveil.content
RCS file: files/unveil.content
diff -N files/unveil.content
--- /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ files/unveil.content        25 Sep 2019 16:23:36 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+/dev/drm0 rw
+/etc/fonts r
+/etc/machine-id r
+/usr/local/lib r
+/usr/local/firefox r
+/usr/local/share r
+/usr/share/locale r
+/var/cache/fontconfig r
+/usr/X11R6/lib r
+/usr/X11R6/share r
+/var/run r
+~/.XCompose r
+~/.Xauthority r
+~/.Xdefaults r
+~/.fontconfig r
+~/.fonts r
+~/.fonts.conf r
+~/.fonts.conf.d r
+~/.icons r
+~/.pki rwc
+~/.sndio rwc
+~/.terminfo r
+~/.mozilla r
+~/Downloads r
+/tmp rwc
+$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/fontconfig r
+$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gtk-3.0 r
+$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mimeapps.list r
+$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mozilla rwc
+$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/user-dirs.dirs r
+$XDG_DATA_HOME/applications r
+$XDG_DATA_HOME/applnk r
+$XDG_DATA_HOME/fonts r
+$XDG_DATA_HOME/glib-2.0 r
+$XDG_DATA_HOME/icons r
+$XDG_DATA_HOME/mime r
+$XDG_DATA_HOME/themes r
Index: files/unveil.gpu
RCS file: files/unveil.gpu
diff -N files/unveil.gpu
--- /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ files/unveil.gpu    25 Sep 2019 16:23:36 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+/dev/drm0 rw
+/usr/local/lib/firefox r
+/usr/local/lib/gdk-pixbuf-2.0 r
+/usr/X11R6/lib r
+/usr/share/locale r
+/usr/local/share r
+/tmp rw
+~/.Xauthority r
Index: files/unveil.main
RCS file: files/unveil.main
diff -N files/unveil.main
--- /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ files/unveil.main   25 Sep 2019 16:23:36 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# for uuid generation?
+/dev/urandom r
+/dev/video rw
+/etc/fonts r
+/etc/machine-id r
+/usr/local/lib r
+/usr/local/firefox r
+/usr/local/lib/firefox rx
+/usr/local/share r
+/usr/share/locale r
+/var/cache/fontconfig r
+/usr/X11R6/lib r
+/usr/X11R6/share r
+/var/run r
+# printing
+/usr/bin/lpr rx
+# for launching registered 3rd party applications like pdf readers
+/usr/local/bin/gio-launch-desktop rx
+/etc/mailcap r
+~/.mailcap r
+~/.mime.types r
+~/.XCompose r
+~/.Xauthority r
+~/.Xdefaults r
+~/.fontconfig r
+~/.fonts r
+~/.fonts.conf r
+~/.fonts.conf.d r
+~/.icons r
+~/.pki rwc
+~/.sndio rwc
+~/.terminfo r
+~/.mozilla rwc
+~/Downloads rwc
+# for at least shm_open (for now)
+/tmp rwc
+# $XDG_CACHE_HOME, $XDG_CONFIG_HOME, and $XDG_DATA_HOME will expand to the
+# given variable if it exists in the environment, otherwise defaulting to
+# ~/.cache, ~/.config, and ~/.local/share
+$XDG_CACHE_HOME/dconf rwc
+$XDG_CACHE_HOME/thumbnails rwc
+$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/dconf rw
+$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/fontconfig r
+$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gtk-3.0 r
+$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mimeapps.list r
+$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mozilla rwc
+$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/user-dirs.dirs r
+$XDG_DATA_HOME/applications rwc
+$XDG_DATA_HOME/applnk r
+$XDG_DATA_HOME/fonts r
+$XDG_DATA_HOME/glib-2.0 r
+$XDG_DATA_HOME/icons r
+$XDG_DATA_HOME/mime r
+$XDG_DATA_HOME/recently-used.xbel rwc
+$XDG_DATA_HOME/themes r
Index: patches/patch-browser_app_profile_firefox_js
RCS file: patches/patch-browser_app_profile_firefox_js
diff -N patches/patch-browser_app_profile_firefox_js
--- /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ patches/patch-browser_app_profile_firefox_js        25 Sep 2019 16:23:36 
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Index: browser/app/profile/firefox.js
+--- browser/app/profile/firefox.js.orig
++++ browser/app/profile/firefox.js
+@@ -1130,11 +1130,8 @@ pref("security.sandbox.content.syscall_whitelist", "")
+ #endif
+ #if defined(XP_OPENBSD) && defined(MOZ_SANDBOX)
+-// default pledge strings for the main & content processes, cf bug 1457092
+-// broad list for now, has to be refined over time
+-pref("security.sandbox.pledge.main", "stdio rpath wpath cpath inet proc exec 
prot_exec flock ps sendfd recvfd dns vminfo tty drm unix fattr getpw mcast");
+ pref("security.sandbox.content.level", 1);
+-pref("security.sandbox.pledge.content", "stdio rpath wpath cpath inet recvfd 
sendfd prot_exec unix drm ps");
++// Custom sandboxing done in StartOpenBSDSandbox()
+ #endif
+ #if defined(MOZ_SANDBOX)
Index: patches/patch-dom_ipc_ContentChild_cpp
RCS file: patches/patch-dom_ipc_ContentChild_cpp
diff -N patches/patch-dom_ipc_ContentChild_cpp
--- /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ patches/patch-dom_ipc_ContentChild_cpp      25 Sep 2019 16:23:36 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+Index: dom/ipc/ContentChild.cpp
+--- dom/ipc/ContentChild.cpp.orig
++++ dom/ipc/ContentChild.cpp
+@@ -126,6 +126,10 @@
+ #    include "mozilla/Sandbox.h"
+ #  elif defined(__OpenBSD__)
+ #    include <unistd.h>
++#    include <err.h>
++#    include <fstream>
++#    include "nsILineInputStream.h"
++#    include "SpecialSystemDirectory.h"
+ #  endif
+ #endif
+@@ -701,6 +705,10 @@ bool ContentChild::Init(MessageLoop* aIOLoop, base::Pr
+     ProcessChild::QuickExit();
+   }
++#if defined(__OpenBSD__) && defined(MOZ_SANDBOX)
++  StartOpenBSDSandbox(GeckoProcessType_Content);
+ #ifdef MOZ_X11
+ #  ifdef MOZ_WIDGET_GTK
+   if (GDK_IS_X11_DISPLAY(gdk_display_get_default()) &&
+@@ -1743,15 +1751,6 @@ mozilla::ipc::IPCResult ContentChild::RecvSetProcessSa
+   mozilla::SandboxTarget::Instance()->StartSandbox();
+ #  elif defined(XP_MACOSX)
+   sandboxEnabled = StartMacOSContentSandbox();
+-#  elif defined(__OpenBSD__)
+-  sandboxEnabled = StartOpenBSDSandbox(GeckoProcessType_Content);
+-  /* dont overwrite an existing session dbus address, but ensure it is set */
+-    static LazyLogModule sPledgeLog("SandboxPledge");
+-    MOZ_LOG(sPledgeLog, LogLevel::Debug,
+-            ("no session dbus found, faking one\n"));
+-  }
+ #  endif
+   CrashReporter::AnnotateCrashReport(
+@@ -4048,48 +4047,184 @@ void ContentChild::HoldBrowsingContextGroup(BrowsingCo
+ }  // namespace dom
+ #if defined(__OpenBSD__) && defined(MOZ_SANDBOX)
+-#  include <unistd.h>
+-static LazyLogModule sPledgeLog("SandboxPledge");
++#define PLEDGE_FILE_MAIN     "/etc/firefox/pledge.main"
++#define PLEDGE_FILE_CONTENT  "/etc/firefox/pledge.content"
++#define PLEDGE_FILE_GPU      "/etc/firefox/pledge.gpu"
++#define UNVEIL_FILE_MAIN     "/etc/firefox/unveil.main"
++#define UNVEIL_FILE_CONTENT  "/etc/firefox/unveil.content"
++#define UNVEIL_FILE_GPU      "/etc/firefox/unveil.gpu"
++static LazyLogModule sPledgeLog("OpenBSDSandbox");
++OpenBSDUnveilPaths(const nsACString& aPath, const nsACString& pledgePath) {
++  nsresult rv;
++  nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> homeDir;
++  rv = GetSpecialSystemDirectory(Unix_HomeDirectory, getter_AddRefs(homeDir));
++  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
++    errx(1, "failed getting home directory");
++  }
++  // a lot of setup before they are allowed/supported and we want to pledge 
++  // unveil early on before all of that is setup
++  std::ifstream input(PromiseFlatCString(aPath).get());
++  int linenum = 0;
++  for (std::string tLine; std::getline(input, tLine); ) {
++    nsAutoCString line(tLine.c_str());
++    nsAutoCString uPath, perms;
++    linenum++;
++    // Cut off any comments at the end of the line, also catches lines
++    // that are entirely a comment
++    int32_t hash = line.FindChar('#');
++    if (hash >= 0) {
++      line = Substring(line, 0, hash);
++    }
++    line.CompressWhitespace(true, true);
++    if (line.IsEmpty()) {
++      continue;
++    }
++    int32_t space = line.FindChar(' ');
++    if (space <= 0) {
++      errx(1, "%s: line %d: invalid format", PromiseFlatCString(aPath).get(),
++        linenum);
++    }
++    uPath = Substring(line, 0, space);
++    perms = Substring(line, space + 1, line.Length() - space - 1);
++    // Expand $XDG_CONFIG_HOME to the environment variable, or ~/.config
++    nsCString xdgConfigHome(PR_GetEnv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"));
++    if (xdgConfigHome.IsEmpty()) {
++      xdgConfigHome = "~/.config";
++    }
++    uPath.ReplaceSubstring("$XDG_CONFIG_HOME", xdgConfigHome.get());
++    // Expand $XDG_CACHE_HOME to the environment variable, or ~/.cache
++    nsCString xdgCacheHome(PR_GetEnv("XDG_CACHE_HOME"));
++    if (xdgCacheHome.IsEmpty()) {
++      xdgCacheHome = "~/.cache";
++    }
++    uPath.ReplaceSubstring("$XDG_CACHE_HOME", xdgCacheHome.get());
++    // Expand $XDG_DATA_HOME to the environment variable, or ~/.local/share
++    nsCString xdgDataHome(PR_GetEnv("XDG_DATA_HOME"));
++    if (xdgDataHome.IsEmpty()) {
++      xdgDataHome = "~/.local/share";
++    }
++    uPath.ReplaceSubstring("$XDG_DATA_HOME", xdgDataHome.get());
++    // Expand leading ~ to the user's home directory
++    if (uPath.FindChar('~') == 0) {
++      nsCString tHome(homeDir->NativePath());
++      tHome.Append(Substring(uPath, 1, uPath.Length() - 1));
++      uPath = tHome.get();
++    }
++    MOZ_LOG(sPledgeLog, LogLevel::Debug, ("%s: unveil(%s, %s)\n",
++      PromiseFlatCString(aPath).get(), uPath.get(), perms.get()));
++    int ret = unveil(uPath.get(), perms.get());
++    if (ret != 0 && ret != ENOENT) {
++      err(1, "%s: unveil(%s, %s) failed", PromiseFlatCString(aPath).get(),
++        uPath.get(), perms.get());
++    }
++  }
++  input.close();
++  int ret = unveil(PromiseFlatCString(pledgePath).get(), "r");
++  if (ret != 0) {
++    err(1, "unveil(%s, r) failed", PromiseFlatCString(pledgePath).get());
++  }
++  return NS_OK;
++OpenBSDPledgePromises(const nsACString& aPath) {
++  // Build up one line of pledge promises without comments
++  nsAutoCString promises;
++  std::ifstream input(PromiseFlatCString(aPath).get());
++  for (std::string tLine; std::getline(input, tLine); ) {
++    nsAutoCString line(tLine.c_str());
++    nsAutoCString uPath, perms;
++    // Cut off any comments at the end of the line, also catches lines
++    // that are entirely a comment
++    int32_t hash = line.FindChar('#');
++    if (hash >= 0) {
++      line = Substring(line, 0, hash);
++    }
++    line.CompressWhitespace(true, true);
++    if (line.IsEmpty()) {
++      continue;
++    }
++    if (!promises.IsEmpty()) {
++      promises.Append(" ");
++    }
++    promises.Append(line);
++  }
++  input.close();
++  MOZ_LOG(sPledgeLog, LogLevel::Debug, ("%s: pledge(%s)\n",
++    PromiseFlatCString(aPath).get(), promises.get()));
++  if (pledge(promises.get(), nullptr) != 0) {
++    err(1, "%s: pledge(%s) failed", PromiseFlatCString(aPath).get(),
++      promises.get());
++  }
++  return NS_OK;
+ bool StartOpenBSDSandbox(GeckoProcessType type) {
++  nsAutoCString pledgeFilePath;
+   nsAutoCString promisesString;
+-  nsAutoCString processTypeString;
++  nsAutoCString unveilFilePath;
+   switch (type) {
+     case GeckoProcessType_Default:
+-      processTypeString = "main";
+-      Preferences::GetCString("security.sandbox.pledge.main", promisesString);
++      pledgeFilePath = PLEDGE_FILE_MAIN;
++      unveilFilePath = UNVEIL_FILE_MAIN;
+       break;
+     case GeckoProcessType_Content:
+-      processTypeString = "content";
+-      Preferences::GetCString("security.sandbox.pledge.content",
+-                              promisesString);
++      pledgeFilePath = PLEDGE_FILE_CONTENT;
++      unveilFilePath = UNVEIL_FILE_CONTENT;
+       break;
++    case GeckoProcessType_GPU:
++      pledgeFilePath = PLEDGE_FILE_GPU;
++      unveilFilePath = UNVEIL_FILE_GPU;
++      break;
+     default:
+       MOZ_ASSERT(false, "unknown process type");
+       return false;
+-  };
++  }
+-  if (pledge(promisesString.get(), NULL) == -1) {
+-    if (errno == EINVAL) {
+-      MOZ_LOG(sPledgeLog, LogLevel::Error,
+-              ("pledge promises for %s process is a malformed string: '%s'\n",
+-               processTypeString.get(), promisesString.get()));
+-    } else if (errno == EPERM) {
+-      MOZ_LOG(
+-          sPledgeLog, LogLevel::Error,
+-          ("pledge promises for %s process can't elevate privileges: '%s'\n",
+-           processTypeString.get(), promisesString.get()));
+-    }
+-    return false;
+-  } else {
++  /* dont overwrite an existing session dbus address, but ensure it is set */
+     MOZ_LOG(sPledgeLog, LogLevel::Debug,
+-            ("pledged %s process with promises: '%s'\n",
+-             processTypeString.get(), promisesString.get()));
++            ("no session dbus found, faking one\n"));
+   }
++  if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(OpenBSDUnveilPaths(unveilFilePath, 
pledgeFilePath)))) {
++    errx(1, "failed reading/parsing %s", unveilFilePath.get());
++  }
++  if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(OpenBSDPledgePromises(pledgeFilePath)))) {
++    errx(1, "failed reading/parsing %s", pledgeFilePath.get());
++  }
+   return true;
+ }
+ #endif
Index: patches/patch-gfx_ipc_GPUProcessImpl_cpp
RCS file: patches/patch-gfx_ipc_GPUProcessImpl_cpp
diff -N patches/patch-gfx_ipc_GPUProcessImpl_cpp
--- /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ patches/patch-gfx_ipc_GPUProcessImpl_cpp    25 Sep 2019 16:23:36 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+Index: gfx/ipc/GPUProcessImpl.cpp
+--- gfx/ipc/GPUProcessImpl.cpp.orig
++++ gfx/ipc/GPUProcessImpl.cpp
+@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
+ #if defined(OS_WIN) && defined(MOZ_SANDBOX)
+ #  include "mozilla/sandboxTarget.h"
++#elif defined(__OpenBSD__) && defined(MOZ_SANDBOX)
++#  include "mozilla/SandboxSettings.h"
+ #endif
+ namespace mozilla {
+@@ -25,6 +27,8 @@ GPUProcessImpl::~GPUProcessImpl() {}
+ bool GPUProcessImpl::Init(int aArgc, char* aArgv[]) {
+ #if defined(MOZ_SANDBOX) && defined(OS_WIN)
+   mozilla::SandboxTarget::Instance()->StartSandbox();
++#elif defined(__OpenBSD__) && defined(MOZ_SANDBOX)
++  StartOpenBSDSandbox(GeckoProcessType_GPU);
+ #endif
+   char* parentBuildID = nullptr;
+   char* prefsHandle = nullptr;
Index: patches/patch-toolkit_system_gnome_nsGIOService_cpp
RCS file: patches/patch-toolkit_system_gnome_nsGIOService_cpp
diff -N patches/patch-toolkit_system_gnome_nsGIOService_cpp
--- /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ patches/patch-toolkit_system_gnome_nsGIOService_cpp 25 Sep 2019 16:23:36 
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Index: toolkit/system/gnome/nsGIOService.cpp
+--- toolkit/system/gnome/nsGIOService.cpp.orig
++++ toolkit/system/gnome/nsGIOService.cpp
+@@ -497,7 +497,20 @@ nsGIOService::GetAppForMimeType(const nsACString& aMim
+   }
++#if defined(__OpenBSD__) && defined(MOZ_SANDBOX)
++  // g_app_info_get_default_for_type will fail on OpenBSD's veiled filesystem
++  // since we most likely don't have direct access to the binaries that are
++  // registered as defaults for this type.  Fake it up by just executing
++  // xdg-open via gio-launch-desktop (which we do have access to) and letting
++  // it figure out which program to execute for this MIME type
++  GAppInfo* app_info = g_app_info_create_from_commandline(
++    "/usr/local/bin/xdg-open",
++    nsPrintfCString("System default for %s", content_type).get(),
+   GAppInfo* app_info = g_app_info_get_default_for_type(content_type, false);
+   if (app_info) {
+     nsGIOMimeApp* mozApp = new nsGIOMimeApp(app_info);
Index: pkg/PLIST
RCS file: /cvs/ports/www/mozilla-firefox/pkg/PLIST,v
retrieving revision 1.80
diff -u -p -u -p -r1.80 PLIST
--- pkg/PLIST   21 May 2019 16:51:12 -0000      1.80
+++ pkg/PLIST   25 Sep 2019 16:23:36 -0000
@@ -64,6 +64,20 @@ lib/${MOZILLA_PROJECT}/removed-files
 @man man/man1/mozilla-${MOZILLA_PROJECT}.1
+@sample ${SYSCONFDIR}/${MOZILLA_PROJECT}/pledge.content
+@sample ${SYSCONFDIR}/${MOZILLA_PROJECT}/pledge.gpu
+@sample ${SYSCONFDIR}/${MOZILLA_PROJECT}/pledge.main
+@sample ${SYSCONFDIR}/${MOZILLA_PROJECT}/unveil.content
+@sample ${SYSCONFDIR}/${MOZILLA_PROJECT}/unveil.gpu
+@sample ${SYSCONFDIR}/${MOZILLA_PROJECT}/unveil.main
 @tag update-desktop-database

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