On Fri, 04 Oct 2019 at 01:05:12 +0200, Solene Rapenne wrote:
> I found this line just before writing a gigantic core file
> 52304 firefox  CALL  ioctl(124,VIDIOC_QUERYCAP,0x1d9a1d7ac158)
> I'm not sure what I need to search for the fd, I found these lines
> related to "124".
> 52304 firefox  NAMI  "/dev/video0"
> 52304 firefox  GIO   fd 4 wrote 4096 bytes
> "\0\0\0\M^?\0\0\0\M^?\0\0\0\M^?\0\0\0\M^?\0\0\0\M^?\0\0\0\M^?\0\0\0\M^?\0\0\0\M^?\0\0\0\M^?\0\0\
>  [ lot of this ]
> 52304 firefox  RET   open 124/0x7c

I'm guessing this is the main process since the content process 
can't open /dev/video, but if you grep the kdump output for 
"52304.*pledge" it will show what file it read its promises from.  
Then you can add the video pledge to that file and see if it fixes 
the crash.

But perhaps it's stranger that Firefox is trying to read your webcam 
information just by viewing a YouTube video...

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