On Sun, Nov 03, 2019 at 06:17:20PM -0800, Travis Cole wrote:
> Debian has a package with 3 different luv.so files, one each for Lua 5.1, 
> 5.2, 
> and 5.3. Fedora has two packages, one for Lua 5.1 and one for Lua 5.3.
> Debian and Fedora put them in lua/5.x, similar to your suggestion.

I was going to suggest something similar (e.g. luv-lua51.so), but let's
look at your solution below as a first option.

>                         -DLUA_INCLUDE_DIR=${MODLUA_INCL_DIR} \
>                         -DLUA_LIBRARIES=${MODLUA_LIB} \
> +                       -DUSE_BUNDLED_GPERF=Off \
> +                       -DUSE_BUNDLED_UNIBILIUM=Off \
> +                       -DUSE_BUNDLED_LIBTERMKEY=Off \
> +                       -DUSE_BUNDLED_LIBVTERM=Off \
> +                       -DUSE_BUNDLED_LIBUV=Off \
> +                       -DUSE_BUNDLED_MSGPACK=Off \
> +                       -DUSE_BUNDLED_LUAJIT=Off \
> +                       -DUSE_BUNDLED_LUAROCKS=Off \
> +                       -DUSE_BUNDLED_LUV=On \
> +                       -DLIBLUV_INCLUDE_DIR=${WRKBUILD}/.deps/usr/include \
> +                       -DLIBLUV_LIBRARY=${WRKBUILD}/.deps/usr/lib/libluv.a \
>                         -DPREFER_LUA=ON # disables LuaJIT

It's kind of dd that USE_BUNDLED=OFF doesn't disable all of those other
things that you explicitely turn off above, but if that's what's needed,
then I guess we can live with it.

> It will also require the updated unibilium and libvterm that I'd
> previously provided.

Right, so I will review these updates shortly. I wonder if the old
neovim will work with the new versions...


Best Regards
Edd Barrett


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