Hello Aaron,
This is an old submission...
Is there any reason to have this tool in the ports tree?
I found this mail because I wanted to see if porting VS Code was
possible and how much work would require.
TL;DR: VS Code uses Yarn to install.
Is this the case for lots of ports?
I think that there are lots of interesting tools to have: Discord, VS
Code, Atom, so on...
Most of them depending on npm, yarn, Electron (now we have this one I think).
But it seems a lot of work to produce packages with our ports workflow
with those tools, you seem to have more insight on the subject.
What do you think?

Elias mariani@

On Thu, Dec 12, 2019 at 2:15 PM Aaron Bieber <aa...@bolddaemon.com> wrote:
> Hi!
> This is a port of yarn. It's an alternative to npm.
>   https://blog.npmjs.org/post/189618601100/binary-planting-with-the-npm-cli
>   (I will post an update to node when it lands.)
> Unfortunately it suffers from some of the same issues. :P
>  Fast: Yarn caches every package it has downloaded, so it never needs to
>  download the same package again. It also does almost everything concurrently 
> to
>  maximize resource utilization. This means even faster installs.
>  Reliable: Using a detailed but concise lockfile format and a deterministic
>  algorithm for install operations, Yarn is able to guarantee that any
>  installation that works on one system will work exactly the same on another
>  system.
>  Secure: Yarn uses checksums to verify the integrity of every installed 
> package
>  before its code is executed.
> OK? Cluestick? "Take yer JS and gtfo?!"?
> --
> PGP: 0x1F81112D62A9ADCE / 3586 3350 BFEA C101 DB1A  4AF0 1F81 112D 62A9 ADCE

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