Hi Martin,

Martin wrote on Sat, Mar 21, 2020 at 06:07:57AM +0000:

> make fake -> make update-plist successfully generates PLIST but
> make package and make install produce an error:
> make: don't know how to make /usr/ports/packages/.tgz
> (prerequisite of: /usr/ports/packages/amd64/all/uhd-

It is hard to judge what exactly went wrong without seeing your

You are supposed to follow thw documentation (e.g. bsd.port.mk(5))
and also use it for debugging.  If you can't find your mistake by
looking at the documentation, you can try looking at the code -
in this case /usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/bsd.port.mk - to find
out where exactly things break, then deduce from that what your
error might be and go back to the documentation how the specific
thing(s) that broke for you are supposed to be used correctly.

If you can't find your own mistake and ask for the help of others
to find them, you are supposed to provide complete information.
It is hard to find your error without seeing your Makefile.

Here is an example of how i might proceed to debug the message above
if the documentation wouldn't help me (assuming you did not
 - search for "\.tgz" -> line 965
   so ${FULLPKGNAME${_S}} seems to be empty
 - without MULTI_PACKAGES, _S is "-"
   (leaving it as an exercise why that is so)
 - line 636: FULLPKGNAME- is set to ${FULLPKGNAME}
 - line 611: FULLPKGNAME is set to ${PKGNAME}${FLAVOR_EXT}

So try to find out whether in your Makefile, you fiddled with
variables like PKGNAME or FULLPKGNAME in an invalid manner.

While reading bsd.port.mk, you can also use commands like
  make show=FULLPKGNAME-
  make show=FULLPKGNAME
  make show=PKGNAME
to inspect various variables that file is using, to debug your Makefile.

I find it hard to be more specific given the amount of information
you provided.

If you did try to use MULTI_PACKAGES, first try to get it to work
without that, then add MULTI_PACKAGES once everything works without it.


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