> Just saying "released under GPL" without doing other steps isn't enough.
> It needs at least a copyright line with a license grant somewhere
> preferably on each file, that's why the license goes to some lengths to
> explain how to do it.
> Also releasing some version under GPL doesn't mean that previous versions
> are also automatically released under GPL.
> > Source for all previous versions were always
> > available, and still are on the wayback machine of
> > the original homepage.
> > 
> > Essentially pre 0.6.3 is just source available.
> > 
> > Dist file mirroring is okay right? Besides the
> I don't think it is OK for OpenBSD to do this (as in PERMIT_* etc can't
> be set to Yes and it would need building from ports not installing from
> packages). If you want to mirror the distfile yourself that would be your
> responsibility.
> > wayback machine there is exactly one place I can
> > find 0.6.2, and it’s on a gnome related mirror
> > and in zip format. Right now I have the port’s
> > master site set to my own with a .tar.gz of the
> > source.
> I found it at 
> https://nold.in/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=projects:consoles:dreamcast:cdirip-0.6.2-linux.tar.bz2
> (a path like this requires certain fiddling to use as a source in ports,
> should be possible but is annoying!).
> ...
> > Is the code actually invalid GPL due to the Apple code? NetBSD is
> > hosting dist files containing the Apple code so is it ok? License
> > newbie, thanks for your patience.
> IANAL and it may vary between jurisdictions anyway but my understanding
> is "if you don't include a Copyright line and grant some specific rights
> to allow redistribution then it can't be redistributed". Some OS care
> more about this for things in packages than others (Debian in particular
> usually get this right) some others seem to rely on "meh nobody's really
> going to complain are they".

I just changed the permit values to no.

I just checked your link and that build is indeed broken on big endian.
The only version not broken is the one I found  on that mirror. Another
thing about that Nold guy, he seems to be throwing on his own license to
version 0.6.2? 


Can I proceed with version 0.6.2? Just want to make sure everything is
in order and correct. I’ll host it on my own site and have that ftp as
a second master since it’s soo slow.

Original site is below if you want to take a look.

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