On 2020/06/21 21:32, Aisha Tammy wrote:
> > I've added them again with the two from Brian and the uwebsockets
> > updated to 18.3.0
> Another bump.
> Also updated uwebsockets to 18.4.0

OK sthen@ if someone wants to import uwebsockets/usockets with usockets
moved from devel to net, tgz attached.

For purritobin, could you install the README under share/doc and maybe
also paste.html and POSIX_shell_client.sh (either in share/examples or
somewhere else). Might be a good idea to add an rc script and a userid
to run it under (@newuser in plist) too?

Attachment: usockets-uwebsockets.tgz
Description: application/tar-gz

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