Weekly ping.

Tarball re-attached for your convenience.

While there, I changed the master site from Github to
opencircuitdesign.com (so we can avoid the on-the-fly generated

If you would like to play a bit with the port:
- make a new directory (e.g. ./qflow-trial) and copy there the enclosed
  map9v3.v file;
- change to that dir and run 'qflow gui';
- in the 'synthesys preparation' tab:
    * select map9v3.v as Verilog source file;
    * the 'Verilog module' field will be updated automatically;
    * click on 'Set stop' after every synthesis step;
- click on 'Run' in the 'Preparation' row;
- then run the other steps in sequence;
- starting after the 'Placement', you'll be able to see the layout
  clicking on 'Edit Layout' (type 'v' in Magic window to see the full

On 21/06/2020 16:40, Tim Edwards wrote:
Hello Alessandro,

OSU   050/035/018 tech files have a proprietary license that says:
   "Permission to use, copy, and modify this software and its
documentation for research and educational purposes only and without   fee
or royalty is hereby granted..."
   I don't know if this is too restrictive; if so, we should probably
split the package; please let me know how to proceed;

This should not be a problem.  The technologies are based on the MOSIS
SCMOS technologies (see www.mosis.com).  Specifically, the process
technology file for Magic is designed to be submitted to MOSIS for use
with the TSMC foundry.  However, as of about two years ago, MOSIS stopped
supporting the SCMOS technology description for TSMC.  Therefore, designs
using these cells are, for all intents and purposes, purely educational,
as there is no way to fabricate such a design.


| R. Timothy Edwards (Tim)       | email: t...@opencircuitdesign.com    |
| Open Circuit Design            | web:   http://opencircuitdesign.com |
| 19601 Jerusalem Road           | phone: (240) 489-3255               |
| Poolesville, MD 20837          | cell:  (408) 828-8212               |

Alessandro De Laurenzis
Web: http://www.atlantide.mooo.com
LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/in/delaurenzis

Attachment: qflow-1.4.83.tar.gz
Description: application/gzip

 * This module converts a counter value N into a reset value
 * for an 8-bit LFSR.  The count is initialized by "reset" high
 * or "start" transition high.  When the count is valid, it is
 * latched into "dp" and the signal "done" is raised to indicate
 * a valid new value of "dp".

module map9v3(clock, reset, start, N, dp, done, counter, sr);

input         clock;
input       start;         // run at rising edge of start
input       reset;         // high is reset case ( run after reset)
input   [8:0] N;             // the number to divide by

output  [8:0] dp;      // these outputs drive an LFSR counter
output       done;
output [7:0] counter;
output  [7:0] sr;

reg     [8:0] dp;    
reg [7:0] sr;
reg [7:0] counter;
reg [1:0] startbuf;
reg       done;
reg [2:0] state;

parameter INIT   = 3'b000;
parameter RUN   = 3'b001;
parameter ALMOSTDONE  = 3'b010;
parameter DONE   = 3'b011;
parameter WAIT   = 3'b100;

always @(posedge clock or posedge reset) begin

    if (reset == 1) begin

 dp <= 9'b0;
 sr <= 8'b0;
 counter <= 8'b0;
 startbuf <= 2'b00;
 done <= 0;
 state <= INIT;

    end else begin

 if (state == INIT) begin
     counter <= 255 - N[8:1] + 3;
     sr <= 8'b0;
     done <= 0;
     state <= RUN;

 end else if (state == RUN) begin
     sr[7] <= sr[6];
     sr[6] <= sr[5];
     sr[5] <= sr[4];
     sr[4] <= sr[3];
     sr[3] <= sr[2];
     sr[2] <= sr[1];
     sr[1] <= sr[0];
     sr[0] <= ~(sr[7] ^ sr[5] ^ sr[4] ^ sr[3]);
     counter <= counter - 1;
     if (counter == 0) begin
        state <= ALMOSTDONE;

 end else if (state == ALMOSTDONE) begin
     dp[0] <= N[0];
     dp[8:1] <= sr[7:0];
     state <= DONE;

 end else if (state == DONE) begin
     done <= 1;
     state <= WAIT;

 end else if (state == WAIT) begin
     if (startbuf == 2'b01) begin
  state <= INIT;

 startbuf <= {startbuf[0], start};


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