On Thu, 30 Jul 2020 09:32:53 -0600 (MDT)
Austin Hook <aus...@computershop.ca>:

> Here's the output of pkg_check
> farm# pkg_check    
> Packing-list sanity: ok
> Direct dependencies: ok
> --- gcj-4.9.4p12 -------------------
> dependency lang/gcc/4.9,-main:gcc->=4.9,<4.10:gcc-4.9.4p12 does not match 
> any installed package
> Reverse dependencies: ok
> Files from packages: ok

gcj is non existent in 6.6, it was removed.  The removal reason
should be displayed as the last line of pkg_add -u output IIRC.

Are you sure you did run pkg_add -u and it worked correctly?

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