I submitted p5-Plack-Request-WithEncoding-0.13 previously. Newer version just went up. Upstream is friendly to changes.
The POD has some problems that cause mandoc errors after noticing that the man page looked bad. CX cpb_ports # mandoc -T lint /usr/local/man/man3p/Plack::Request::WithEncoding.3p mandoc: /usr/local/man/man3p/Plack::Request::WithEncoding.3p:35:1: ERROR: escaped character not allowed in a name: br\& mandoc: /usr/local/man/man3p/Plack::Request::WithEncoding.3p:136:6: STYLE: lower case character in document title: TH Plack::Request::WithEncoding I'm not familiar enough with POD to man to know what the right change is. Upstream accepted my previous documentation changes without a problem. =================================================================== portgen added BUILD_DEPENDS = devel/p5-Module-Build but it builds fine without it. Should I keep this in Makefile? # $OpenBSD$ COMMENT = subclass of Plack::Request which supports encoded requests DISTNAME = Plack-Request-WithEncoding-0.14 CATEGORIES = cpan www # Perl PERMIT_PACKAGE = Yes MODULES = cpan #BUILD_DEPENDS = devel/p5-Module-Build RUN_DEPENDS = devel/p5-Hash-MultiValue \ www/p5-Plack TEST_DEPENDS = www/p5-HTTP-Message MAKE_ENV += TEST_POD=Yes CONFIGURE_STYLE = modbuild tiny PKG_ARCH = * .include <bsd.port.mk> WIP port attached. -- Chris Bennett
Description: GNU Zip compressed data