Using an amd64 running release version of 6.7

1) Looks to me that psutils depends on 


because I had to pkg_add it to make psnup work.

Maybe it's missing from the dependencies?

2) There is also an error in psutils in line 77
where a second "my dimension" declaration occurs.

You won't hit it unless specifying 

psnup  -P letter ....

and the A4 folks won't even notice, because it won't go there.  

3) Looked to me that the psutils makefile asks for the latest version, but 
the accidental re-declaration of the local variable my dimension above, 
doesn't seem to show up even if I delete and re-install psutils.  Looks 
like that error was fixed more than a year ago.   A pkg_add -r doesn't 
seem to help.

4) On my system apparently there needs to be some kind of paper() function 
installed somewhere, but I don't see where.  Otherwise, I shouldn't have 
to specify "-P letter" paper size.  Anyone know the answer to this?

Didn't there used to be something one had to put into  /etc that could be 
interrogated?  Scanning the code for psutils it seems to say it tries to 
determine the default papersize but I see neither the function that tries 
to get it, nor the specs for what has to be in /etc.

Thanks and cheers!

Austin Hook

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