I think Will wrote this (too quick w/ the delete key);

>  >I am always amused when we get onto these Garth threads.  It doesnt take
>  >but a few posts before someone is loudly condemning his venality and how
>  >it's ruining good music and so on.  And this is simply not true.

and Steve wrote this;
>   And I hope you don't think *I* was the one saying that he was
>  ruining good music.  Look back at my posts.  I don't even allude to that.
>  Why?  Because I don't believe it.  I don't even think all the stuff the guy
>  does is bad.  I'm just talking about his actions and what meaning I think
>  can be drawn from those actions. 

    Yeah, absolutely.  Maybe we re-trod some ground that we'd covered before
but I for one have seen a lot of interesting viewpoints in this thread.  Maybe
I'm a bit defensive because I helped start it by asking what Garth had said
about his sales numbers at that awards show last week, but I've read and been
persuaded toward at least some a few perceptions.  As Jon and Don have written
I think w/ Garth is *is* mainly about fame, as opposed to the bucks.  And
there's been more than a few compliments toward the guy's significant
discounting on his records and concert tix as well.
     Also, all the vagaries and challenges of protecting artistic creation
vis-a-vis digital technology are a pretty rich topic, and there's been some
good discussion of that as well.   And this thread partially kicked ass if for
no other reason than sporting some of the best subject headers around here in
a long time...<g>

>  So anyhoo.  That's it.  I'm tired.  I think it is time for me to drop off
>  lurk on digest.  I just don't seem to be having the good times I used to
>  have here.  I'm sure that is my fault mainly because my main problem with
>  this list is that most of the time seems to be spent on talking about hot
>  country or fluff.  

   Ahh I disagree with that too, but mainly I'm just disagreeing with your
decision to go into lurk mode Steve, because your contributions on old-time
and the like are so valuable, at least to me.  So go ahead, take a breather
and whatnot, but you better not stay out for long.  Or else we'll have to send
Garth after your ass with a sharp-edged used CD.

Dan, playing hooky with bad headache, bad stomach, and semi-bad fever......

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