At 11:07 AM 1/23/1999 -0500, you wrote:
>>Guess I shouldn't admit this as a musician, but radio doesn't do much for
>>me anymore. TwangCast, now - that's a whole 'nother thing <g>
>Based on our research,  you are in a fast growing demo,  folks who are
>dissatisfied with commercial and even non-commercial radio,  That's why two
>groups are dropping many many millions to start satellite radio delivery
>companies containing a slew of niche programming.

>Mike Hays

Funny this should come up...I was just discussing this with the other
members of my band. We listen to the NPR station here pretty much
exclusively. Sure we do a scan of the other stations, but I would say that
only 2 percent of our listening time is spent scanning. When Phoenix's only
<new alternative> station has reverted to mixing in old Cars hits and other
less timeless hits you know someone is hurting to gain listeners. 

One thing I've noticed over the last say, 6 months, is the ever increasing
number of call ins to NPR talk shows that are from the Phoenix metro area.
I believe this is an excellent indication of this area's growing
dissatisfaction with commercial radio in general. Thank you, God for
non-com radio. Unfortunately, NPR goes off at 7:00pm and turnes into
freeform jazz, which is ok I guess, but I personally can only swallow it in
small doses.

Somethin' big is rollin' down the tracks, and I think that Phoenix is in
for big changes in it's 'rock' radio market. I don't think I know anyone
here who has a *favorite* radio station anymore. Everyone just surfs the
airwaves or listens to tapes or CDs.

Chris House

NP- Car Talk

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