In a message dated 1/22/99 5:52:39 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 One prob, Mike, as I've understood it, is that garments like the coats
 you're talking about are very rare.  I mean, a lot of this stuff is custom
 made, etc....   Just not the thing one's gonna find in most places.  Sigh.
Junior and Mike,

Don't you P2 boys know how to sew?  Whoops!  Thought I was on the fluff
channel <g>  I know Mike Mills from REM got some of his suits made by a guy in
Chattanooga but my memory isn't good enough to remember 1995 "The Mike Mills
Nudie" year.  I've got another friend here in Athens who has some stuff -- I
think she had it made locally though but I'll email her.  And I'll see if I
can find out who make Redneck GReece's stuff -- he's our splashiest, glittery
local guy.  I wouldn't be surprised though if he had them made locally and
fairly reasonably.  I don't think it would be that difficult to locate a local
seamstress (they do still exist) and describe what you want and get an


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