I know a number of New York P2ers are planning to see the Old 97s show at
the Mercury Lounge next Saturday night (Amy H...Jeff J...Ross W
probably...myself..abybody else?  This is a good chance for catch up or
meet up!) and some or all of those Buck Diaz boys are coming up from Phila.
for the occasion and joining us..

.I'll be out in Silicon Valley Monday thru Thursday night, so if plans to
meet beforehand ensue, I won't be able to respond aboit it till then.  Any
of you can let me know off-list where and when we'd meet....I'd appreciate

The other act that night--probably AFTER the 97s, by the way it's
advertised, is "Sea of Cortez," about thich I know nothing... I'll aattempt
to make sure I have a ticket beforehand.

Barry M.

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