TWANGFEST: Wanna play?

...Then get your submissions in the mail today.
All entries must be postmarked by January 25, 1999.
Thanks for playing!


>Subject: Twangfest 3: Calling All P2 Bands!
>>Mere months after the hangovers have ceased and the motel rooms have been
>>repaired, we're already makin' plans for Twangfest3, once again taking place
>>at Off Broadway in faboo St. Louis, MO on June 11-13.  There'll be lots of
>>cool stuff to announce about this event, but right now we want to get things
>>moving on one of the most important things about the whole shootin' match--the
>>While we want the whole damn world to attend, Twangfest is first and foremost
>>a P2-centered event, and that's why we're putting out the call here for your
>>band submissions.  You can ask anyone who's played at previous T'fests just
>>how well bands get treated, and we're working hard to make that treatment even
>>better--after all, lots of us on your Twang Gang are IN bands.  That means you
>>*will* get paid and have accommodations provided, and we're doing our
>>damnedest to make both of those more attractive every year.
>>Like last year, the Twang Gang will be selecting a headliner for each of the
>>three nights (and we think the folks we've been talking to are gonna knock
>>your socks off), but there's been a bit of a change this year in how we're
>>going to pick the rest of the combos.  Because we wanted to tap into the great
>>wealth of knowledge out there in P2-land and because we want to spread out the
>>payola, this time around we've got a band submission subcommittee to make the
>>tough decisions on who plays and who doesn't.  Chris Knaus, Jamie DePolo, and
>>Bill Silvers have graciously accepted the task, along with Twang Gang members
>>Amy Haugesag and Marie Arsenault.  They have no idea what they're getting
>>into...  You may or may not be aware that not a one of these folks is in a
>>band, and that's by design.  While we think that the lineups at T'fest for the
>>past two years have been excruciatingly excellent, we felt that a panel made
>>up of non-players would help to keep the selection process fair as this event
>>What do we need from you?  It's pretty simple right now.  We need three copies
>>of a CD or tape, info on the band that you think will fill us in on who you
>>are and what you're about, and contact info (*especially* your e-mail
>>address--this is an internet-centered event, after all).  And while your band
>>will be judged on its merits, your participation in this mailing list will
>>definitely figure into the equation; like we said, this is first and foremost
>>a celebration of all things P2.  Don't get us wrong, though; lurkers are not
>>only welcome but are encouraged to submit.
>>Send your packages to the following address:
>>Marie Arsenault
>>1306 Shelton Ave.
>>Nashville, TN  37216
>>Get those submissions in with a postmark of NO LATER THAN JANUARY 25, as we've
>>got a big job to do and we want to able to announce all the band names in
>>plenty of time to include them in ads, press releases, etc.  We'll send out
>>reminders of this deadline on a regular basis on P2 for those of you with
>>substance-abuse-related short-term-memory loss.
>>If you have questions about this process or any other thing about Twangfest,
>>send 'em along to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and we'll answer 'em or at least make you
>>think that we have.  And in the very soonish future, we'll have the swanky
>>Twangfest web site (, natch) updated frequently to keep you
>>up to date on all our doin's.
>>So what are you waiting for?  Whether you be coffeehouse f*lkies or roadhouse
>>rockers, we want YOUR submissions.  Step on it!  January 25th will be here
>>before you even blink!
>>SIDE NOTE:  We haven't forgotten about the  new "Edges From The Postcard2" CD,
>>and we thank all of you who have sent us material so far.  We've run into a
>>slight delay with the project, since there have been some changes in how the
>>project will be handled, so we need to hold off just for a bit.  We'll keep
>>you posted on what's going on, never fear.
>>Your Twang Gang (Marie Arsenault, Junior Barnard, Matt Benz, Amy Haugesag, Kip
>>Loui, Dave Purcell, John Wendland, Mark Wyatt)

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